Chapter Nineteen

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I've learned that your body automatically goes into fight or flight mode when something frightening happens. Adrenaline is produced and everything is heightened, everything seems hyper and you can't control what's happening. You vision blurs a little and your heart beats like a humming bird.

My palms were instantly sweaty at the sight of Cole. He stared at me and cocked his head to the side.

"I hope you don't mind but Derek loaned me his suit."

I gasped. "D-did you..?"

"He's safe." He said as he walked closer to us. Brandon stepped between us and shielded me from his view.

"Go away, Anderson." Venom filled Brandon's voice.

"Chambers." He spat back. "This doesn't concern you."

"Of course it does."

"Guys, can we take this outside?" I asked them as I realized that everyone was listening keenly.

"You!" Cole pointed at me. "Because of your stupid stunt, I lost the bet placed on me that night."

I looked to Brandon for understanding.

"The fighters have to fight. Regardless of the situation, the money still stands."

"So that means Kevin-"

"That's right, sunshine." Cole interrupted me. "Your piece of shit brother not only owes the club his weight in gold but now I have to pay up."

Kevin then appeared from the crowd. "What are you saying?"

"There's nothing to say! That's half a million down the drain and you're all responsible!" His voice boomed through the quiet auditorium. "And I want payback."

"Back off, Anderson." Brandon growled.

Suddenly teachers and chaperones broke up the crowd. Cole and Brandon stared at each other a while longer before he pulled me away with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I don't know but we have to fix this." He pushed open the doors to the hall way with his broad hands.


He spun around me faced me. "I don't know, Kate but we can't just lay around. Cole and everything that comes with him is trouble. Your brother is in deep shit."

Those words shocked me to the core. I had really thought everything was okay. I was clouded from the harsh reality of what was happening.

"How deep?" I whispered.

He didn't reply- hell, he didn't need to. The look on his face made my blood run cold.

"Listen, Kate. We'll find a way, okay?" He cupped my cheek. "We'll find a way." He repeated.

I desperately wanted to believe that. My mind ran a thousand miles a minute trying to figure out what to do next.

"How can he get out?"

He sighed. "Unless Kev has some real money stashed away, I don't know."

A light bulb lit in my head and my heart clung to the idea, hoping it would work.

"We need to keep Kevin away from Cole. I have an idea." I began to walk away but he grabbed me by my elbow.

"Not tonight, babe. It's your prom. Enjoy."

I looked at him like he was mad. "What are you smoking?"

He frowned at me.

"Cole is still around. Kevin is in danger right now, he could easily hurt him like he hurt Dere- Oh my god! Derek!" I had completely forgotten the mention of his name from Cole.

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