Chapter 3

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** See Author's note for Explanation for Emmie's age and an apology and an explanation from the author about the writing**

Her mom pulled the car in line with all the other parents car who were dropping thier children off at school.

" Now Emmie head to the front office so they can get you your schedule. " " You can walk home from school but make sure you go directly home. No wandering off"

Emmie shrugged her shoulders

" Ok mom."

Her mom gave her a kiss on the cheek...

Emmie blushed

" Ok little girl have a good day and I'll see you tonight."

Emmie rubbed the kiss off her cheek after her mom drove away.

She hoped no other kids saw her mom kiss her.


She walked into the main building of the school and walked into the attendance office.

A nice tall red haired woman greeted her saying..

" Can I help you dear?"

Emmie approached the counter saying

" Yeah I'm Emmie Robinson. It's my first day "

The woman typed in her name in her computer.

" Oh yes here we are Ms. Robinson. You're in wing 10. Room 12. 11th grade."

" Yeah that's the grade I was in before I moved here " Emmie said.

The lady smiled.

" I'm sure your mom explained that you are to wear your pullups at all times?"

Emmie groaned

" Yes.. even though I'm already potty trained"

The woman replied

" Haha that's what most of our students say"

" Now head off to class. Here is a map to get you to your classroom." " Now stay out of the wing that you will pass that says "New Education " that's for troublemakers "

The lady handed Emmie the map saying.

" Now off you go sweetie "

Emmie groaned again.

She hated being called childish names. She could handle her mom doing it but a complete stranger?

She walked out of the office and headed towards her classroom.


As Emmie walked down the hall there were several groups of students walking to classrooms.

Emmie looked at several of them. She could tell they were all wearing pullups just like her.

She looked closer at a few of them... It looked like a few of them were wearing diapers too.

" No way Emmie thought to herself "


As she got closer to her classroom...

There were two ladies who were pushing two wheelchairs down the hallway....

One had a girl and the other had a boy in them.

They were screaming...


One of the ladies said...

" It's too late for that. You both tried to  get the other children to follow you in leaving;" " Now you're going to pay the consequences"

Emmie watched as they were pushed into the new education wing and the doors slammed shut.

Emma was both curious and worried about what went on behind those doors.

She thought she heard childish noises... but that couldn't be Emmie thought to herself.


She reached Room 12 in wing 10.

She opened the classroom door and was greeted by the teacher. A dark haired lady with high heels on.

" Hello I'm Mrs. Baker" she said

"I'm Emmie. " the girl stated.

" Welcome to our classroom Emmie" she said.

" Have a seat at an open desk"

" We're just going to start our history lesson for the day"

Emmie didn't respond. She just went and sat down at an empty desk and listened to the teacher instruct.

To be continued.

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