forty seven

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jungkook scrunched his nose, a small smile playing on his lips as he skipped through the stories on instagram - realizing that joonie had posted a video of his singing. jungkook in the video was all smiles as he sang his heart out, while making subtle ridiculous dance moves, that brought laughter to the others. and as the camera turned around he was faced by the smiles of the others as well, as they danced around to his voice. the video all in all just being full of laughter and smiles.

"you recorded me? that's embarrassing," jungkook asked with a laugh, joonie just shrugged before answering. "of course! thought i'd bless the jungkook community! i even added the video to my no longer secret 'bunny boy' highlight! i need to take advantage of the fact that i'm finally able to show you off, you know!" namjoon just said with a big smile, jungkook lunged forward to hug the older - once again surprised by the amount of love in his heart.

"you have to sing a song with me then! that's my payment for you exposing me, do you remember the lyrics to fools?" jungkook asked - the two had sung the song together a few times before, but that wasn't the only reason as to why he wanted to sing that song.

fools. a part of him had chosen that song, because the lyrics correlated so well to what he was feeling. a fool. he's a fool. here he is head empty from anything other than kim taehyung. the elder wouldn't leave his mind - or his body for that matter. his entire soul, mind and body - all of him was kim taehyung.

and kim taehyung? he didn't do as much as look in jungkook's direction. not even once.

"i can't believe i'm doing this," joonie just mumbled - jungkook knowing then that he had won. a big smile made a way to his lips as he watched namjoon get up, and walk over to him. "your voice is beautiful, shut up." jungkook just said as he found the karaoke version for fools, the both of them taking turns singing their lungs out - the room filling with laughter at how ridiculous they were being. namjoon purposely choosing to sing the parts of the songs that contained swears, just so jungkook didn't have to.

"ONLY FOOLS FALL FOR YOUUU!" jungkook sang. "only fools," then sounded it in tiny as namjoon laughed. "only fools do what i do, only fools fall," jungkook laughed as the song ended, bowing down a bit as he tried to regain his breath from all of the screaming. empty. he felt a bit empty, but he tried to ignore it.

on the other end taehyung couldn't hold his smile back as he listened to the younger's laugh. he adored everything about kook, he was just scared. he knew how he felt a younger, and he was aware that the younger no doubt returned those feelings. but, commitment scared taehyung shitless, especially due to the fact that they were both in the entertainment industry - and two guys together? he was scared of the backlash. he knew that namjoon and jin were obviously out, and that most people were nice about it - but he had seen the comments, had seen them break the two of them down on more than one occasion, and that scared him, mostly because he wasn't sure he was strong enough.

and jungkook had already been through hell multiple times, and taehyung didn't like the thought of putting the boy through it once again. he didn't want to see jungkook hurting like that again.

which might be a weird thought, considering taehyung is the one hurting him right now - more than anyone else. a hypocrite, that's all taehyung is.

taehyung felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, almost screaming out of pure shock.

imessage !
jungkookie 🤍

stop staring at me shitass

taehyung couldn't hold back his smile, as he raised his eyes away from his phone and was faced with a jungkook glaring at him. and without taehyung thinking it through, his fingers typed out a message, automatically pressing send.

shitass v
i can't help it. you're so

the younger blushed furiously as he read taehyung's text. he had ignored him - had almost slut-shamed for sleeping with a random girl, and now he was flirting? what was taehyung thinking? jungkook couldn't understand him. he was quite aggressive as he typed out his response. he was tired of getting played with.

make up your mind.
either you want me,
or you don't. i don't
need your constant
mood changes when it
comes to me.


his mood changes. his biggest flaw. he had always been too blunt.. too honest, about how he was feeling - or how he felt about others.

a lot of people hated him for it, and sometimes taehyung did as well. it wasn't on purpose, for some reason he had just never learnt to hide his blunt words - to keep them away from the public. being in the entertainment industry had helped him a bit, but unfortunately, as the cameras moved away so did his temporary filter, and he was once again back to normal.

the mood changes had also caused his only ever heartbreak. he had been in love once, thought the person had broken up with him. apparently it had been too much work being with him... to be with someone who was all smiles one day, and then ready to die the next. taehyung knew his mental health was inconsistent, but it wasn't that bad, at least he didn't think so. everyone had ups and down, good and bad days, perhaps his just switched a bit more often than most.

authors note !
things i did today: get a job, get the highest possible grade in my maths oral exam - and break my laptop. (mom wasn't too happy about the last one)

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