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Four Years Later

Hope stood on the back deck of their home overlooking the river.  She was 6 months away from her degree in Child Psychology.  So many wonderful moments were spent right here.  She leaned along the railing and thought about the wedding they had right here.  It was a year after she graduated high school.  Noah had finished building this beautiful home and she had just finished her first year at Harvard.

The whole pack had come.  Along with Hope's Mom and Dad.  It was a beautiful summer day.  She had never been happier in her life.  She married her Soul Mate.  It was beyond her dreams. 

Another wedding had been performed here a year later.  One of the pack who had been searching for his mate for years had finally found her.  A human from California.  Everyone was thrilled to add one more to their small group.  She had accepted their life pretty quickly after learning about their kind. 

Zander and Zade were still searching.  Hope had prayed many times for them to find their Soul Mates.  She could tell they were growing impatient.  They wanted what her and Noah had.  And she couldn't blame them.  They had gone on a 3 month journey to all the other packs in the United States right after high school.  But sadly, they hadn't found their mates.  And Noah needed his Beta and Gamma back.  So they sadly returned without success.  But they weren't giving up hope.  They would take short trips to packs in other countries every few months.

Hope's parents came here all the time.  They were considered part of the pack.  Her Dad had accepted Noah as part of their family too.  It wasn't long after Hope was kidnapped, that Noah and her Dad had become close friends.  Noah looked up to him as a father figure.  He had even helped in building their home when he could.

So many good memories over the last four years that she thought about.  High school graduation, Noah's marriage proposal, her acceptance into Harvard.   And she knew that there would be years and years of happy memories right here, in this home, that Noah had designed and built with his own hands.

Now she waited here, on the deck for Noah to get home from a meeting with the pack.  He had been gone a couple hours.  Just long enough for her to do what she needed to.  The breeze blew through her long hair.  She could smell the pine trees, one of her pack mates running through the woods, and a little rabbit near by.  Then she could smell the unmistakable scent of her mate coming closer to the house.  Her heart sped up in anticipation.

Noah entered their home and took note that Hope was outside on the back deck.  He could sense her anxiousness.  He wondered if everything was okay.  He hurried back there to see her.  She stood facing the water.  The sun was just setting.  The oranges of the sky shinning on her curls.  She turned to him and smiled as he stepped outside to join her.  Her smile could brighten his whole day.

He took her in his arms and held her close.  He could feel the fast pace of her heart.  She was blocking him from her mind though, and had been for the last couple of hours.  He wondered what could be wrong.  "Are you alright love?"  He asked. 

She looked up at him and closed the distance between them to kiss him tenderly.  He couldn't tell what she was thinking, but the kiss told of her love.  He took her chin in his hand.  "What is it Hope?  Tell me."  He gently prodded.

Hope reached her hand into her pocket and pulled something out.  She placed it in Noah's much larger hand.  He looked down at it curiously.  Then he realized what it was.  His eyes widened and he looked back at Hope.  Her eyes were bright and shinning slightly as if she were about to cry.  Her cheeks were tinged pink. 

"I'm going to be a Dad?" He asked excitedly with a little lump in his throat.  His voiced cracked just a bit.  "Yes!"  Hope replied with a tear now making it's way down her cheek.  He wiped it away and kissed the trail it had taken.  And then all over her face and the top of her nose.  He couldn't speak.  He was so choked up. 

He brought her head into his chest and held her tight.  The pride was probably radiating off of him now.   Hope finally allowed him into her mind.  He could feel the utter joy and happiness.  They had been trying to get pregnant for the last year.  Hope had been discouraged after the first six unsuccessful months.  But Noah told her it was just a matter of time.  That there was no way so much love wouldn't produce a gift like a child. 

"I love you so much Hope.  You are going to be an amazing Mother."  He told her honestly.  She silently shed happy tears into his chest.  She didn't want to let him go yet.  Her emotions were overwhelming.  The thought of them bringing a life into the world that was part of each of them was so beautiful. 

"Thank you Noah, for the most amazing gift you could ever give me."  She said.  "Hope,  you are the real gift, and the child you are giving us."   Then he kissed her reverently.  She was his life, his hope, his future.  Her, and the little life within her were his world.  He would give anything to protect them.  He couldn't imagine living without this amazing woman.

Noah thought back on the best moments of his life.  Meeting Hope, their first kiss, their wedding, and now this.  He couldn't believe how blessed he felt.  Through loss and hardship, they had found each other.  She was made for him, and he was her perfect compliment.  Together, the two of them would be the best parents they possibly could be.


                                                                    The End

Thank you everyone for reading "My Hope".  I had this idea in my head for a few years.  So I finally got it all out and here for you to share with me.  It's my first werewolf story.  But maybe not my last?  I was considering the story of the twins search for their mates.  What do you think?

I would really appreciate any constructive criticism anyone may have.  Is there anything I could have done differently?  Did you enjoy the story?  Was it too slow?  Did it have enough excitement?  Any feedback would be appreciated.

I want to thank my faithful readers who made it all the way to the end when it wasn't yet complete and you were getting twice weekly updates.  I know it's hard to wait for a story to be finished.   If you enjoyed it, please let me know with a like and a share!

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