Chapter 16 - Herbert

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After their training out in the bowling alley, the Legion Analytics nightflies traveled back to the headquarters. Some of them had to continue training, this time watching instruction videos of how to set up metal scaffolding, while the designated attack team had the order to rest.

Herbert once more tried to convince the Supreme Commander that it was too risky to expose him to the live action. "If I get killed, the whole loading procedure will be in jeopardy, Sir. That would be irresponsible."

The Supreme Commander looked firmly at Herbert. "Is our plan safe and sound, Herbert?"

"Absolutely, Sir."

"Is everyone trained as good as they can be?"

"Sir, that is not the..."

The Commander interrupted him. "It is. The Community can go ahead, independent of the fate of a Single. For Queen and Community! That has been our motto for hundreds of thousands of years. Tomorrow's operation is risky, but I am fully confident of its feasibility. Your place is with Smitty, there is nothing of importance here to do." He looked at him in concern. "Is your human host acting up?"

"No, I think the long duration of my conversion shows its effect, Supreme Commander. The consciousness of my host affects my own mind."

"Interesting. It's how long?"

"Close to twenty years."

"That's an extremely long time, few longer periods have been recorded. Sorry, I must check in with the Elders." The Supreme Commander slapped Herbert on the shoulder. "In twenty-four hours all will be over. Have faith. Get some rest."

"I have, Supreme Commander. I will."

With that, his leader left him standing alone to tend to some other matter.

Herbert went into his old office, where he had positioned an inflatable mattress and a sleeping bag. He had to get rest, otherwise his host wouldn't carry him through the next day. He set his phone alarm to seven a.m.

And lay awake for a long time.

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