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Harley's POV

"Harley." A voice caressed my face. That deep hushed voice sent my heart into a frenzy. I opened my eyes slowly just in case I had to adjust to the light, but it was dark. The rise of the sun was apparent through the bedroom windows, but everything was still pitch black. Rachel's legs were wrapped around my body, and her face was pressed against my head. She obviously was craving physical touch along with Brooke. "Come with me." He said softly. He was dressed in his straight black and white suit, no tie, and his hair laid back perfectly like usual. Was he leaving now? With that thought in my mind, I nodded and carefully pried Rachel off my body. She stirred and groaned, but I managed to get away without waking her up. I placed my feet on the cold floor, pulling down my shirt because it had ridden up during my sleep and my whole ass was out. "Put a jacket on. I'll be outside the door," Xander whispered to me before walking toward the bedroom door and closing it behind him. Outside? Why? I knew he said he'd come to see me before he left, but I thought he meant a quick bye or none at all. I'm glad he didn't, though.

I knew I looked like a homeless person. My unmanageable hair was a tangled mess since yesterday, and I hadn't had time to comb it. Not to mention how awful my face looked. I walked into the closet and picked up a random hoodie that was hung up on the rack. It wasn't mine, nor had I seen it before, but it was there, and I needed one. I pulled it on over my shirt and shorts leaving me looking like I had no pants. Not caring, I went to the bathroom quickly to brush through my wiry thick wavy black hair and brush my teeth. Lastly splashing some water on my face and brushing my hair down, so it flopped over my shoulders. I tip-toed across the room to the door. Brooke and Rachel could sleep through an earthquake, but I still didn't want to be too loud just in case.

Once I made it out of the door, Xander was leaned against the wall patiently. His eyes shot to me as I closed the door behind me. His eyes looked all over my face for a second too long, then down my body. Gosh, I hated when he did that. My whole body heats up like a furnace. I pushed my puffy hair behind my ears. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I've never seen your hair like that." He completely ignored my question and instead just looked at me. Cautiously. Precisely. It was true; I had never worn my hair down and out like this. It was too wild, but I always liked it in its natural state. "You look beautiful." He said. He said it casually. Like it was a known fact, and he was stating the obvious, but it wasn't. It was surprising and very apparently left me flustered.

"T-thank you-" I tried to hide the smile that wanted to escape. "But, what's going on?" I asked.

"I told you I'd come to see you before I leave." He said, grabbing my hand in his and suddenly pulling me with him down the stairs.

"It's 4 am. You're leaving this early?" I asked as we descended the steps to the bottom floor.

"Unfortunately." He answered as he pulled me through the double side doors outside. There was another set of marble stairs to walk down. At the end of the yard was a large wonder pool connected to two other pools and behind the pools was a large forestry garden area. The whole place was completely unnecessarily luxurious. We walked over to a benched area behind the house, far enough that no one could see but close enough to see the house. I'd never been out here; I only saw from my bedroom window. Xander sat down on the bench, carefully pulling me next to him. He didn't talk, and neither did I. We just sat consumed in each other's presence. It didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk, so I didn't push him. Instead, I just left him be and watched him carefully and periodically. It was still darker outside, but the lights from around the pool were bright, and the sun was beginning to peek through more. The birds started to chirp around us, and the morning humidity was settling in. Unlike the inviting nature, Xander's face was emotionless yet stern. His forehead had frown lines, and he was flexing his knuckles over and over. He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his thighs and massaging his hands together aggressively like he was in deep concentration. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how. I didn't even know what troubled him. Hesitantly I moved my hand from my lap and slipped it past his thigh and into his warm hand. I wrapped my fingers around his and rested it there. I looked away from him, so I didn't see his expression, but I knew he was looking at me. I felt him tense for a moment, then wrapped his fingers in my hand, used his other hand to cover my entire hand, and began rubbing my skin softly. Goosebumps erupted all over my body. His fingers glided over my skin over and over each time, it sent my nerves in a frenzy, but I could see he was visibly calmer. It felt strange being touched by him like this, and I didn't know what to think of it. I just pushed it out of my head and concentrated on Xander's monotone face. There was clearly something going on. Something big. Even with everything with Huncho, he didn't seem this worried. In fact, he didn't look worried at all.

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