chapter 8

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"Come on Smithy. Hurry up or we'll be late for our meeting. You know I hate being late, now hurry!" Robert said as he hurried down the reception to the elevator.

Nia growled in frustration.

"Smith sir, my name is Smith!"

She'd told him times without number that her name was Smith, but of course, he never listened. He just deliberately mispronounced it.

"And it's your fault we're late so don't try to blame it on me," she muttered.

"Did you say something Smithy?" He asked slowing down.

He had insisted on working till it was thirty minutes to the appointed time.

"No sir," she replied.


He stopped before the elevator and glanced at her. She stared back.

"Well? Aren't you going to press the button?" He asked impatiently.

She desperately wanted to ask him if there was something wrong with his fingers, but she didn't. Instead she rolled her eyes and pressed the button. He couldn't even do that himself. Such a shame.

Beth gave her a pitiful glance and she scowled at her before looking away.

The elevator door opened and he walked in. Nia pressed the button again the doors closed. He was standing right behind her but she didn't dare turn.

"Is Sam waiting?" He asked.

"Yes sir, right outside the building."

Sam was his personal driver. She'd called him ten minutes ago to come pick them up.

"Good, good. We don't want to be late," Rob said glancing at his watch.

Nia rolled her eyes and made a face. She poked her tongue and scrunched her face.

Don't want to be late indeed.

"You know I can see you right?"

She flushed and looked down at her feet clad in stiletto heels.

"It's okay. I understand that your childish nature emerges sometimes."

Nia bit her lip to keep herself from saying something nasty. If there was anyone childish, it was him. He was the one who made silly statements. Like asking her if she was shagging his father.

Seriously? Shagging Connor?

She met his gaze in the mirror and looked away. His brown eyes were too dark for her liking.


The doors opened and he shot out before she could blink.

"Hurry Smithy. Stretch those short legs of yours and walk fast."

Nia considered tossing her files at his head. That should teach him a lesson. Her legs were not short.

Two weeks he'd been there and she was ready to turn in her resignation letter. That's how bad he was. The man was exhausting, annoying. A minute didn't go by without him saying something crass.

She'd thought Connor was demanding, turns out she was wrong. Robert was ten times more demanding than his father. He sometimes called her at midnight requesting a log to this, or a record of that.

"You're quite slow Smithy," he said pulling her out of her thoughts.

"My name is Smith!" She whispered harshly.

"Would you rather I call you stupid?" He asked.


"Stupid it is then. Come stupid," he said without breaking stride.

Enduring Mr McGregorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora