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I would like to thank everyone who came till here. I am really glad that there is someone out there who likes reading what I write. Thank You so so soooo much. 


Lawrence's POV

I looked at the smiling face of the boy in front of me. After apologizing to my mom, I felt much more comfortable playing with the rumored 'brat' or 'trash' or 'spoiled' or 'stupid'. There were many nicknames that he was given. Some are even worse than those. But he is nothing like those rumors described him. 

"I am coming." I heard a soft voice announcing its arrival.

Currently, we were playing hide and seek and Alexander was the seeker. 

I hid behind the bush trying to hide my whole body. I looked at him from where I was hiding. The wind gently blew his brown locks with it. He had a soft blush on his face from running around. His green eyes searched everywhere trying me find me. I really hope we can be good friends in the future.

"Found you." He giggled. I smiled.

"Lawerence it's time to go home." I heard mom say from far away and looked up at the sky.

The sky was very dark indicating that it's almost night. Time passed away quickly. 

I really don't want to go but we are gonna meet again at the academy in two days anyways.

With that thought, I smiled and said my farewell.

3rd person POV

Today was the last day of Alex's probation. He would have to go to the academy from tomorrow. 

He sat on the bed in his room rocking himself.

I am bored....he thought with a sigh. Vera was busy and he had not seen Lawerence ever since their first meeting.

"I heard the city market is beautiful." Reebell said as he lazily flew across the room trying to fight his boredom.

"Can we go there?" Alex asked excitedly.

"I don't know. It's up to you. If you want to escape from this hell hole then....of course." He said.

Alex smiled. According to the game, there is an old passageway in the garden of the mansion that Elijah used to sneak out of even after growing up. He found it when he was 12 and has been using it ever since. He never even told his sibling fearing that they might tell the duke and passageway will be closed.

He got up and quickly dressed up in his most normal clothes and took a black cloak in his hand.

He got to the garden and looked around. The garden was very beautiful and had different types of flowers. Alex didn't have time to stand and admire the beauty but he made a mental promise to come back here.

He went behind the empty fountain that was at the corner of the big garden.

He shifted the right arm of the statue that was standing in the fountain.

Krrrrrhhhhh A stone door opened with a weird noise. 

Alex looked at Reebell and they both smiled before dashing down the passageway. 

It was a dark journey but they soon saw light coming from the other end. They got out in a deserted area but they could tell it was not far away from the market as different noises could be heard.

Alex threw the cloak over his head so that his features don't stand out. 

The market was bustling. Some people were hastily walking trying to reach somewhere while some were slowly walking while looking around to see if something caught their eyes.

I Reincarnated As A Cannon Fodder Villain??!!!Where stories live. Discover now