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Somewhere in the California valley...

IT WAS WELL past dark when I spotted a town. If you could even call it that.

From the looks of it, all that made up this 'town' was a run down motel and a gas station with an attached general goods store. I couldn't tell if it was the time or if this town was just abandoned, but I only saw a few cars in the area besides my own.

Though despite the unnerving emptiness, I realized that this deserted town would be a good place to rest and lay low. After all, Elias needed medical care and, after driving from mid day until well past sunset, I needed rest.

Besides, there was another reason swaying my decision. Looking down at my almost empty tank of gas, I sighed.

Not like we have much of a choice anyway.

My mind made up, I checked to make sure Elias was still laying down and out of sight before turning off the road, into the town's entrance. I drove slow, cautiously looking around the area as we headed towards the gas station.

From what I could see in the dark, the only sign of life was the movement of a lit cigarette to and from the mouth of an old man smoking on the porch steps of the motel. He tipped his hat back and watched us as we drove by and pulled into the gas station. I continued driving until I found a gas pump, pulling up to it and putting my car in park. Turning off the car, I let out a long breath before glancing over at Elias.

Elias was still asleep, his body stretched out beside me. He passed out shortly after we escaped the compound. My neck was sore from looking over at him every few minutes to make sure he was still breathing. I wasn't entirely sure, but I figured sleeping was a way for his body to recover. My mind drifted back to the last test he had to endure and how he passed out after it ended. I took comfort in the fact that he recovered quickly from that, and hoped he would do the same this time around.

Leaning my seat back, I reached over and brushed the waves of ebony hair that had fallen over his closed eyes. His eyelids fluttered at my touch as he began to wake up.

"Hey," I whispered as he stirred, finally opening his eyes.

Once his vision adjusted, he blinked a few times before his eyes widened in what could only be fear. I had to yank my hand back when he sat up so suddenly, seemingly taken aback. The movement caused his face to scrunch up as he clutched his chest and let out a low moan of pain.

After a few steadying breaths, he surveyed his surroundings. When his blue eyes settled on mine, I could see him release a breath as he visibly relaxed. I could see the events of today play in his eyes as he began to put together the pieces.

"Hey," he whispered back finally, his voice rough with sleep.

I gave him a small smile. "How are you?" I asked, my eyes searching. I saw the way sitting up pained him, and how he still continued to clutch his chest. The blouse I had given him was now soaked in blood, though to my relief it looked to be a darker hue than before, dried blood.

"Better," he said, following my gaze to look down at his chest. The hair I had brushed back fell in front of his eyes again, covering his reaction.

"Can I look?" I asked, pointing to his chest. His blue eyes studied me through thick tufts of hair before he quietly nodded, lowering my bloodied blouse from his chest.

With his permission, I leaned in closer. I could feel his eyes watching my movements and I had to focus to keep my hands from trembling.

Carefully, I pushed aside his ripped shirt to finally get a good look at his wounds. There was so much blood it is hard to tell, but I took relief in the fact that my theory about the blood was correct.

Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]Where stories live. Discover now