Viridian's Rules & Regulations

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The policies and notices listed here apply to each member of The Viridian Society. The policies may be changed to fit our needs and to optimize your experience here. In the event that this may occur, each member will be notified immediately by our staff. Failure to comply with these rules may result in forfeiture in the society. Please read the statements below carefully.

aa. Authority Figures: You may not question your authority figures here. They have worked tirelessly to ensure you have the best experience. If you question their methods, that is deemed as disrespect, and you will be prosecuted accordingly.

bb. Enrollment Fee: You will begin your enrollment immediately after you have paid the $3,000 enrollment fee. If you need to set up a payment plan, try again at a later date when you have sufficient funding.

cc. Relationship Status: You may not be a couple until you have reached Elite status within the society. Once you have made Elite status, you may sit with your partner at meetings, and you will be able to be with your partner for the entirety of the evening. If you are not of Elite status, you may only befriend persons of the same gender.

dd. Status Ranking:

Freshman (Freshies): Just fresh into getting to know each other.Novice (Nov): You know the person well enough, and you're progressing into the relationship nicely.Complimentary (Commies): You both complement each other well, taking another great step forward to long-lasting love. The last stage before Elite.Elite: You are at the peak of your relationship. You may choose to get married and move off with your partner, or you may marry your partner and have the chance to join our wonderful team. If you decide to join our team, you will live amongst others who have chosen to do the same at Ravenscroft Manor. Everything for the first 10 years is all funded by us. After that, you pay 3% of taxes on each kind of bill that accumulates at the manor.

ee. Dress Code: You may only come dressed in the best of clothing. Only highly recognized brands are allowed. If we see this being broken, you will be asked to leave and not return. Women are expected to wear dresses with appropriate heels, and men are expected to wear a fitted suit and tie to every meeting. Hair must be properly groomed—no overly grown facial hair and no stubble.

ff. Finances: Anything that is served here is helped paid in part by your enrollment fee and by generous donors, so nothing you do here will have to be paid by you.

gg. Commencement: You will start the evening in the Common Room. Men will be on one side, and the girls on the other. You may mingle with those of the same gender until you are called for commencement. A bell will chime for five seconds, alerting you to make your way into The Foyer to hear the announcements from the Headmaster.

hh. Announcements: The Headmaster will deliver any announcements and details of the events that are going to occur in the evening. There is no talking until they say, "let the games begin." Failure to comply with this rule will be grounds for elimination.

ii. Themes and Games: Each meeting, you will have a new theme and a new game. These are carefully curated by our staff to maximize the ability to get to know your partner in such a brief amount of time.

jj. Partner Assignment: You will be paired with a partner of our choosing, based on the data we received on the questionnaire you took before enrolling. Your partner is subject to change due to our elimination guidelines.

kk. Code of Conduct: If you are acting out of line or break any of the rules above, you are subject to elimination and cannot join Viridian again in the future. 

ll. Withdrawal: You are free to leave Veridian at any time, but you will have to pay a $2,000 withdrawal fee to make arrangements for who will take your place. If you leave on your own, our ties are severed, and no one in the society will be able to contact you or they will be eliminated also. We try our best here for our members, so leaving is a disgrace. We hope you can understand.

mm. Post-Game: After the game for the evening, you are more than welcome to mingle with all members of Veridian and help yourself to anything in the Common Room. It is all paid for, so do not worry about any fees.

We hope that you are able to enjoy the many benefits of being in Veridian, and we truly hope you find the love of your life here. Stay happy, healthy, and wealthy.

A Mystery At RavenscroftDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora