[ 14 ] but i won't hesitate no more

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Chan is calling me.

I'm asleep when he does, my eyes bleary as the ringing of my phone pulls me out of my slumber. After a quick glance at the digital clock on my desk, I begin to lay staring at my ceiling for a moment, wondering who the hell could be calling me so early in the morning before I sigh through my nose and reluctantly pat around my sheets to find my phone.

Chan's contact lights up the darkness of my room, and I'm too exhausted to even think about anything before I'm picking up and pressing my phone up to my ear.

"Are you kidding me?"

I can basically hear Chan's smirk. "Did I wake you?" His voice is low and raspy.

"Of course, not," I say tiredly, "It's not like it's four in the morning."

"Sorry," he tells me not sounding sorry at all.

My lips curl slightly upwards. "What can I help you with, Christopher?" I ask him, unable to hide the smile in my voice.

He chuckles deeply. "What if I just wanted to hear your voice?"

"I'm hanging up."

"Don't you dare," he says, and I giggle a bit, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. He doesn't sound the slightest bit tired. "I'm sorry, I feel bad now since you sound so sleepy."

I yawn. "It's fine. Did you need something?"

"Well," he pauses, taking a moment to think. "I kind of just did want to hear your voice."

I find myself blushing deeply, and I smile crookedly at his sweet words before shoving my face into a pillow. "You're such a flirt, I hate you," I say, and he huffs out a small breath of laughter, amused by my reaction like he always is. My next words are falling out before I can swallow them back down, "Were you thinking about me?"

"I think about you a lot," he tells me so easily and so smoothly, his voice tender.

I grin widely, my blush spreading. "Even at four AM?"

"Even at four AM," he confirms, and he sounds like a total dork.

There's a moment where we share a brief laugh. A nice short moment where I hear his laughter echo through the static of my phone and it's not the first time that I feel all warm and shy at the sound of it. I don't think I could ever get over the sound of his adorable laughter.

It's when I finally manage to find myself fully awake that I realise that I'm talking to Chan. That I realise that he's called me after what had happened yesterday. And that he doesn't sound upset like I thought he would be. I blink at my ceiling, extremely confused.

I was sure he was going to chew me out for it, demanding me to tell him who Ryuu is and what he wanted, but he's not. He's not doing anything like that. In fact, he starts a conversation instead, which only makes me feel even more confused.

I know I should probably ask him about it, that I should talk to him about what had happened, but Chan's voice is so calming and so sweet that he manages to pull me into his casual talk.

It's funny how easily we manage to slip into conversation, absentmindedly talking about random things that crosses our minds. Chan's apparently at the dorm for once, sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap and his headphones over his ears. He was working as usual, scribbling down lyrics and messing around with tracks. He tells me what had happened last night and what he had for dinner (Minho cooked Kimchi fried rice), that he worked out for a bit and hung out with Felix, basically the usual, but nothing about what had happened earlier that day.

Maybe I'm just extremely tired, but I just decide to go along with it. It's four in the morning, and I'm really not in the mood for an argument. Chan may be used to being awake this early, but I'm not. Maybe I'll just wait until he decides to bring it up. He's not now, so why should I now? It just confuses me slightly as to why he would call me at this time — he doesn't usually.

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