chapter twelve

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Jungkook's heart lost it's pace, words were glued to his throat. He saw you smiling but he knew that the next second he will once again break you with tons and tons of pain.

You gave Jimin a small hug and then pulled out, it was one of those friendly hugs that you both share quite often.

Jungkook's mind was a complete mess, he was standing next to mental paralysis, yet he chose to stay strong. There were no calls from Elsa after that call. Her phone number and the diver's phone number were switched off.

Terror was consuming him, but still he had one more responsibility to inform you about Rosè and your kids.

Weakly he walked inside the gates of Jimin's bungalow. His steps were slow and finally stopped when his eyes met your. Immediately the smile of your face dropped.

"Y/N, there is something very urgent. Please-" he said in a low voice.

"Jimin, please" you gave Jimin a gentle gesture and he signalled you both to get inside his house.

"What do you want?" You said in a sharp voice, the tone that you often use at work.

He walked towards you, and held your shoulders. All the time you avoided looking at his intoxicating eyes, if you look at them once the next second you will melt like ice into his embrace.

He lowered his face towards you, "Y/N, for a while please forget everything , and focus on my words."

You left a wry chuckle, "Rosè met an accident and-" he took a deep breath. He scanned your face twice when he finally noted that your face depicted utter calmness. "And they say that she may not make it." He finished his words.

But to his shock your expressions had no emotional change, they were still unaltered as if this won't affect you anymore.

"Are you okay" he questioned.

"I was the one behind the accident."



Again you got a huge contract, it was very unusual to digest that your art exhibitions were sponsored by individuals who had no knowledge on art, neither they have any interest in it.

Something fishy in the scenario was well sensored. Since weeks now you started digging things out and it did fit into your expectations.

You knew something was bothering Jungkook and he wasn't able to share that with you. His actions were clearly telling that he is facing a huge trouble. There was a subtle change in his working habit. He spent hours in office but his works weren't visible.

Finally one day you found the hidden link, all your new investors were Jungkook's ex alliance. The point that hyped the suspense was "ex". Jungkook is a wise businessman and smart in maintaining the business relationship and breaking so many ties at once was never his type.

And why the heck would they invest in his wife's company after breaking alliance with him?

This is when Kim Namjoon came into picture, out of luck he is a trustworthy friend of you and Jimin. Namjoon is a respected officer of the country's crime department. You contact him if he can hire some private detective to investigate Jungkook.

With two of Namjoon's trusted acquaintances you proceeded your investigation on Jungkook and then the foggy information got clear. You came across the threat of Jackson Wang.


"Is this safe Namjoon oppa" you confirmed twice looking at him. He nodded.

"Jackson Wang is the most dreadful criminal, he is a complete psychopath and there is no guarantee that he will let you live in peace. We can get success only if you follow what I say Y/N."

Silence perked in the atmosphere, what Namjoon was suggesting was neither easy nor convincing for you. But that was the only way to get out of the swamps of the mess created in everyone's life.

"Look Y/N, as an officer I am on a mission to expose Jackson. He has a very reputable image in this society, people wouldn't believe anyone if they say that Jackson Wang is a drug mafia or an abuser. He trades in a legal way and holds power to prove his earnings lawful. It's not like I am using your family as a pawn but it's for your benefits." Saying he waited for your reaction before he could tell more about his plan.

"Let's go with what you said oppa, tell me what I am supposed to do." You called firmly.

"So Y/N, in this plan before we can proceed we need to rescue you and Rosè out of this mess and after this if Jungkook agrees to our plan. We will definitely take Jackson down."

"According to the private detective behind Jungkook, they say that he is planning a divorce. Jackson's men had a view on his works. So I want you to be quite distant from him from the start so that your divorce could fit in his mind as "lost love" or "cheating partner". In this way you will be the first one to be rescued out."

"Hmm-" you swallowed your tears, it was hurting just by hearing the word divorce, for it will be to experience it.

"Be strong, girl." He patted your back and continued.

"I have a way to rescue Rosè out of it, since she is the prime victim we need to be more alert. I have a plan. We can fake her death. The officers will be driving her vehicle and she will be replaced by a dummy in the middle of the route. They will fake an accident and make it look real. With it Rosè will be rescued and could stay safe. With her so called death, her videos will do no good to him"

All these words were haunting you but still you need to do that in order to bring peace into the life of so many individuals.

"After that Jungkook will be left, he should allow him to use his shipments to sail Jackson's drugs. And again it will be my officers on the ship, in the middle of the ocean when there is least chances of having any evidence, we will fake the accidents. Jackson will be in huge loss once his shipments will be destroyed. He will be in dept and his enemies will pull him down, soon he will go bankrupt. And we can save thousands of families from this dirty trap."

"We have next six months before he transferred his shipments to the gulf region, he has 10 shipments with Jungkook in the next 5 months, if we will be successful to blow 8 of them. He will be bankrupt the next day."

After a brief explanation of his plan, you too find it as the only way to get out of the mess. If not this, then only one way could let you have Jungkook, to live with him as a fugitive.

But that's not right, you can't be a coward. Only cowards choose the easy way, you have to fight the devils to safeguard the life of your family.

Jungkook was fighting too on the same motive. But somehow you both here trying to hit the same target sailing on different boats.

All the plans that Namjoon narrated held you along with Rosè and your kids in safeguarded. But what about Jungkook?

"Oppa, what about Jungkook? What if Jackson finds about the betrayal? What if Jungkook is hurt?"

Will they succeed in their plan? What do you think?
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