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"Hwang Hyunjin!"

Yeji's black boots clacked across the marble floors, earning her the attention of some of the attendants who were passing by, them dipping their heads towards the Princess.

"Hwang Yeji," Her cousin replied, dryly. "I thought you were spending three weeks in Hong Kong? Why the sudden trip back home?"

Yeji waved a hand as the two entered Hyunjin's office, her taking a seat on the leather couch opposite the desk. "I felt lonely. Besides, the girls couldn't come, and that's no fun,"

Hyunjin nodded in understanding as he turned to the numerous papers that were strewn over the mahogany wood of his table. "What brings you to my office?"

"I'm here to speak about your wife, Yang Jarim,"

Hyunjin's head shot up from the documents he was signing, his onyx eyes carefully regarding what his dear cousin could possibly mean.

"What about her?" The Prince asked, cautiously.

"How you haven't been speaking to her since returning from your honeymoon," Yeji eyed the other blond as he tilted his head, interpreting her words.

"I've been busy," Was all Hyunjin said as he returned to his files.

Yeji snorted. "With what? It's not like the turning of the crown is going to be done within three weeks,"

When the younger of the Hwangs received no answer from the Prince, she widened her eyes. "No way!" She gasped, clapping a hand to her mouth. "That's not- you can't- "

"It's very possible," Hyunjin smirked in satisfaction.

"So the rumours are true?" Yeji slammed her hands upon the desk, her cat-like eyes burning with curiosity. "It's officially happening?"

"Well, not in three weeks," Hyunjin leaned back in his own chair. "Dad wants to pass it down in around two months. He says that I'm ready,"

A small yet comfortable silence engulfed the pair before Yeji let out a 'Tch'.

The Prince frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"How are you supposed to have the crown passed on to you and lead an entire country when you can't even talk properly to your wife?"

"I do talk to her!" Hyunjin yelled defensively. 

"Oh really? Tell me, what was the last proper conversation you had?"

As Yeji waited for her answer, Hyunjin was desperately racking his brains to try and possibly think back to when he and Jarim had actually had a genuine discussion.

"That's not ever happened, has it?"

"No, it has! I told her about us going to Italy when we were younger,"

"But that's not it, Hyunjin," Yeji snarled and Hyunjin couldn't help but push his chair away from the desk in fear that Yeji would do something horrendous to him with her pink nails, which looked a lot like claws. 

"She's barely used to the palace and royal life, and you not making her comfortable is not what a husband should do,"

"She is comfortable!" Hyunjin scoffed in return. "She's made herself at home in the library,"

The female Hwang let out a few incoherent words as she rubbed her eyes in desperation.

"Hwang Hyunjin," She said, slowly. "As Jarim's husband, you should be helping her around the palace, making general conversation with her as well as take her out on a few dates,"

"But this is a marriage for convenience," Hyunjin muttered. "Why should I- "

"Because it's common decency!" Yeji threw her hands in the air, looking rather livid as she faced the boy she had grew up with. "Hyunjin, you can't just treat her like she's a pawn in one of your games. She's a person, with feelings and emotions!"

Hyunjin was silent for a minute, judging his cousin's harsh words. 

"Yang Jarim knew what she was getting into the moment she agreed to marry me," Hyunjin's eyes were as cold as ice, his voice of the same tone, as he looked at Yeji, who looked furious. 

"You are dismissed,"

Rolling her eyes, the Princess gripped the door handle, her blond hair whipping slightly as she faced the future King.

"For clarification," Yeji snarled. "I left on my own accords,"

"Nobody dismisses Hwang Yeji,"


"What is wrong with you?" Seungmin dragged a hand through his purple tufts of hair as he faced his childhood best friend.

"What d'you mean? What I said was right, wasn't it?" Hyunjin demanded as he lowered his voice, so as not to be heard. "Jarim's just another- "

"She's not just another girl!" Seungmin hissed. "Hyunjin, she's the girl that your parents are fond of, she's Jeongin's beloved big sister, she's one of Yeji's good friends now, and she's also a good friend to me and the rest of the boys," 

"She's not another girl who you can just play with. You can't go back to those days again, I refuse to see it,"

Hyunjin's mind travelled back only a few years ago, remembering the countless hearts he had broken after his Grandmother's death. He had practically used the girls, playing with their feelings before leaving them.

The boys had scolded him immensely for his actions, and he had stopped until he had met her.

Bae Jiwoo.

It appeared that Seungmin could read minds as he pointed an accusing finger towards Hyunjin.

"If you're thinking about her," Seungmin hissed. "Then, don't. She's gone, she's not coming back. She was evil,"

"Don't you dare say- " Hyunjin began before he was cut off by Seungmin.

"You're literally married for God's sake, Hyunjin!" The puppy-like boy cried. "She was never good for you!"

Hyunjin swung his head so he was facing the view of the Royal Gardens where Jarim was walking alongside Felix, Minho, Jisung and Chan, a bright smile on her face as she laughed at something Jisung had said.

"Hyunjin, please," Seungmin said softly. "Just please think about how much you'll end up hurting Jarim. She doesn't deserve any of that,"


ooh, who d'you think bae jiwoo might be?

who's your favourite character at the moment? mine is yeji, she is an icon.

i hope y'all are doing well

stay safe and take care

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