when the classifiers get classified

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Tony holds his hands up in a time-out sign. "Wait. Wait, wait!" He looks around the room carefully with a raised eyebrow. "So you're saying you think whatever happened with Percy earlier might be the work of whichever group or organization he stumbled across when he was in the marines? The ones that we think might've eliminated his entire platoon? And you think they..." He trails off, but Bruce can guess what he was going to say.

Bruce slowly nods, grimacing a little at how it sounds. "Yes."

"And we're discussing it here... why? And why are they here?"

Steve and Clint look at each other and then Steve speaks up, "We're worried about him. We were there when he had his flashback. And the... symptoms... during and after it."

Tony's eyebrows wrinkle together in confusion. "What symptoms? No one has told me what they were yet."

He throws his hands up in the air. "You guys are crap at explaining things! You call me in here for an emergency meeting, tell me my nephew had a flashback along with strange symptoms, but no one will tell me what the symptoms even are!"

Bruce shakes his head. "That's the thing. We saw the symptoms, we all did. Well, Steve, Clint and I, but by the time we got Percy back to the med bay, they were all gone! It was like he had a bad concussion, but he was acting fine hours before, according to Clint and everyone else! I asked Jarvis if his medical records showed any recent concussions or head injuries, but that's the thing! All of his medical records from the past five years have been erased! If they were even there to begin with!"

Tony frowns. "Why would anyone go through the trouble to erase a seventeen year olds medical records?"

"We don't know." Bruce looks like he's at a loss. "This whole thing is strange. I thought about contacting shield and asking them to look into it, but we all know how shield is. I don't want your nephew involved with them."

Steve leans back in his chair. "We were all at a loss, so I went to get us lunch,"

Clint mutters something about disgusting salad and protein shakes.

Steve ignores him, "when I got back, Natasha was talking to Clint and Bruce. Natasha has an idea, but we figured we might as well bring you into it before we did anything illegal."

Tony raises his eyebrows. "The patriotic goody two shoes is going along with one of Natasha's ideas? The ones that never don't have something illegal in them?"

It's well known that Natasha's ideas usually involve doing something illegal. Usually something to do with murder and bribery. With a tad bit of seduction.

Natasha stares at Tony, unamused. "Crossdressing isn't illegal."

The boys all flush, except for Clint. He looks slightly proud.

Natasha smirks, remembering the event. It wasn't her fault the party they were infiltrating didn't allow men.

The boys did clean up nice. They didn't look too bad in their dresses, once shield's makeup experts were done with them.

Tony waves his hands in the air. "Anyway!" His face still looks strangely red, "What's the idea?"

Natasha resumes typing on her computer. "We're going to try to find the erased files. And hopefully, whoever erased them. But doing that..."

Tony grabs a chair and sits down. He hits a button on the sleek silver tale in front of him. A hologram keyboard appears in front of him. "I see. You're infiltrating that."

Steve looks horribly confused, but he nods anyway. "Uh. Yup."

Natasha smirks. "What better way to spend my evening than hacking secure government files?"

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