the school sleepover p2

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jade and i arrived at school 20 minutes late so we hurried inside with our bags. as soon as we stepped into the hall, cat and robbie came running up to us. "we thought you weren't coming!" cat squealed while playfully poking my stomach. "we wouldn't miss this for the world!" jade said in a sarcastic tone. i smirked and looked at her through the corner of my eye.     
             we stumbled over to tori, beck and andre, who had already placed their sleeping bags on the floor. everyone was pretty much here and there were a bunch of food and drink stalls. the food looked good but they only had water or juice for drinks. luckily i brought vodka and jade brought mixer and some plastic shot cups. they had music playing but it wasn't that good. it was some olden day shit. me and jade got our sleeping bags and set them up. she insisted we put them further away from the group because robbie snores. "why don't we keep them here for now so we can hang with them and then move them when it's time to sleep?" she nodded her head, then cupped my chin and gave me a quick kiss before sitting down on her black sleeping bag.
               a few hours had passed, we had spent the time laughing and playing games, when suddenly principal eikner said he wanted to make an announcement. "hello students. i hope you're all enjoying the hollywood arts sleepover! i just wanted to say that i appreciate every single one of you.. and that this will be the last time i ever step foot in this school since i'm moving to hawaii with my wife" i could tell he wanted to say more but his eyes were pricking with tears and he kept swallowing so i assume there was a lump in his throat. sikowitz jumped on stage and took over. "well that was unexpected, am i right kids?" there was an awkward silence. "okay! well let's get this party started" he said while doing a weird dance. the music started again and everyone got on with what they were doing. "wow.. i'm gonna miss eikner" tori sobbed. "why? he was a jerk" jade said blankly. i nudged her arm and frowned. she rolled her eyes. "i mean- yeah me too he was a great guy" she looked at me and smiled sarcastically as if to say 'is that what you wanted?' i blew her a kiss and we continued with the game we were playing.
              we had just finished playing UNO when jade got up and was about to walk off but i stood up and stopped her. "where are you going babe?" i asked concerned. "i need to pee. is that okay with you, mom?" i smirked and turned around to sit back down. we were right near a window and it was dark and gloomy outside. "i'm bored. we need to get this party started for real" andre grunted. "agreed" everyone else said simultaneously. i took the vodka, mixer and plastic shot cups out of mine and jades bags and set it up in the middle of our circle. everyone gasped and started laughing. "where the hell did you get alcohol?!" tori chuckled nervously. "my dads stash" a smug look appeared on my face. "so who's in?" everyone nodded except for cat. "you don't have to have any if you don't want, okay?" i put my hand on her shoulder and a soft smile appeared on her face. "okay, im just gonna stick to juice" beck went up to the creepy old guy who was controlling the speaker and started speaking to him. suddenly, party music started playing and colourful flashing lights were roaming the room. everyone shouted happy screams and got up to dance. me and the group stayed seated while i poured our shots. we just had straight vodka since there were a bunch of normal sized plastic cups at the drink stalls which we could use for mixers. we all took a shot and cat took a 'shot' of orange juice.
             10 shots and 3 vodka cokes later i was dancing to the music with tori and cat while the boys were in hysterics over a random joke they made. it was only when tori started getting super close to me that i realised jade had been gone for the past 25 minutes. "i'm just gonna go look for jade, she's been gone for  a while" i shouted over the music. i was stumbling around the hallway scanning each classroom. i entered the girls bathroom and looked in each stall but no one was there so i left. i continued walking (barely) and looking for her. i started to panic. where was she? was she hurt? i began running down the hallway shouting her name. i ran past the second girls bathroom when suddenly i stopped myself and walked backwards. jades tshirt was on the floor outside of the bathroom door. i walked into the bathroom and there she was, sat on the floor with only a bra and skirt on and an empty alcohol bottle between her legs.
               "oh my god jade are you okay?" she mumbled something but i couldn't hear. i bent down to make eye contact with her and she looked away. "what's wrong?" jade located her eyes back to me. "don't fucking speak to me" i backed away a little, confused as to what was happening. "w- what?" she repeated herself and stood up. i stood up after her and stuttered, completely baffled. "don't you think i saw you when i came back into the hall? flirting and dancing with tori. you fucking whore" i raised my eyebrows and my face went a dark shade of red. it felt like steam was coming out of my ears. "what the fuck did you just call me?" my blood was boiling. i ONLY allow her to call me that in bed, never as an insult. i don't know what had gotten into her. "you heard" i walked up to her slowly. "i don't know what the fuck you think you saw.. but i didn't flirt with her. as soon as i realised she was becoming touchy i walked away to come and find you" i grabbed the empty bottle out of her hand. "and what the fuck is this? where did you even get this? it isn't ours" she shrugged and turned to face the mirror on the wall. she began splashing water on her face. "i'm so fucking pissed at you right now, jade" she turned back towards me with water droplets on her face and neck. "you think i give a fuck? i don't believe you weren't enjoying tori being all over you" i'd had enough. i wasn't gonna let her speak to me like this.
            "FUCK YOU" i shouted while smashing the bottle on the tiled floor. she just stood there and watched. "YOU FUCKING BITCH" i paced around the small room trying to contain my anger. "first you accuse me of flirting with another girl, then you call me a fucking whore. what the fuck has gotten into you?" i said, trying to stay calm. there was a 10 second silence before she finally spoke. "you done yet?" i let out a laugh. not a nice one. an angry one. i was enraged. "you're the fucking whore, not me" she grabbed me by my shirt and pinned me up against the wall. "well you spread your legs for me all the time babygirl so i'm pretty sure you're the whore" she said with a grin. "fuck you, jade" i said trying to push her off me. she was too strong. i sighed and submitted. i knew i wasn't gonna be able to get her off me. she aggressively kissed my neck and caressed my body. "i dare you to flirt with anyone else again. you belong to me and now i'm going to make you moan so loud everyone will hear. you deserve to be embarrassed" she whispered while rubbing against my panties. "i d- didn't fucking f- flirt with her" i whimpered. "okay baby, i believe you. but i'm still gonna punish you." she removed my panties swiftly and stuck two fingers inside me. i was already soaked. she began pumping them in and out and i bit my bottom lip to fight back the moans. "i'm gonna fuck you until you've lost count of your orgasms, just to hear those sweet little whines" i couldn't help it. i let out a loud whimper while my legs shook as she found my sensitive spot. "good girl." i threw my head back against the wall aggressively. i didn't feel the pain due to the amount of alcohol in my system. jade lowered her body down to my pussy and placed her tongue on my clit. within seconds i was already close to climaxing. "fuck i'm gonna cum" i said breathlessly. "it's okay baby you can cum" she said, not taking her eyes off my area. "wait seriously?" i said confused. "of course, but only because i'm not gonna stop after you do." i felt her smirk against my pussy.
           around an hour later i was basically screaming. i'd lost count of my orgasms, as she said i would. my legs were shaking aggressively and there was a dint in the wall from how hard i had been banging my head against it. my mascara was dripping down my face as well as tears and sweat. i was just about to finish when she stopped and brought herself back up. we began making out softly. my legs were still shaking so it was hard for me to focus. she put her tongue in my mouth and placed her hand on my pussy. my body jumped at her touch but i didn't refuse it. she began rubbing very gently until i had my last orgasm. as soon as i finished she helped me put my clothes on and wiped my tears. we headed back to the hall holding hands and my head on her shoulder. i wasn't ready to face the embarrassment when everyone's heads turned to realise it was us making all the noise, but jade was by my side, and that was all that mattered in the moment.

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