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"OH, HEY!" CLAIR LOOPED her arm through Adam's and dragged him over to one of the duty free stalls advertising samples of flavoured vodka. "Shot for the ride?"

Adam looked skeptical. "Of vodka?"

"No, of orange juice. Obviously vodka," she said, rolling her eyes. "God, don't be so boring, Adam. Don't you want to have fun on this trip?"

Reed rolled his eyes and muttered something rude under his breath. Oliver could've pointed out that none of them were eighteen — he was the oldest of the four of them, and his birthday wasn't for a while — but he didn't think Clair would appreciate him ruining her plans like that. The school term had ended and their flight out to Chambery airport had been the next day, all arranged and sorted for by Adam's parents. Oliver's parents had happily shouldered the cost of his flight and he hadn't been stupid enough to ask Reed how this trip was working out for him financially. It was already an undoubtedly sore point for him. The six of them had already checked in at the airport and had two hours of wandering the shops before they had to board.

"We're not on the trip yet. And my parents are going to be on that flight with us," Adam said, glancing warily around as if to ensure neither of said terrifying parents were hovering nearby. Mr and Mrs Montgomery had left them to wander on their own until their flight. "Do you know how much shit I'd get in if they found out I'd had even a drop of alcohol?"

"Well, they're not here right now, are they. Hi," Clair said brightly, addressing the salesperson stuck offering the samples of vodka flavoured shots. He looked tired and as if he wasn't paid enough for the shit he was advertising. "Could we have a shot each?"

"ID?" he said tonelessly.

"Oh, well..." Clair made a big affair of patting herself down and rooting through her bag for ID, affecting a wide-eyed look of innocence. "That's strange, I don't seem to have any ID on me at the moment! I can assure you that we're all eighteen, though. I don't suppose my word would be enough?"

"What about your passport?"

Clair blinked. "What?"

"Passport," the man repeated, enunciating the word slowly as if she was being particularly dense. Oliver tried to suppress his laugh as a cough and Reed took no such liberties as he broke out into snickers. Even Adam looked like he was trying not to smile. "I seriously doubt you didn't bring your passport with you here, or you won't be getting anywhere beyond Manchester. That would be a much better confirmation of your age than your word."

"Oh, um..." There weren't many moments when Clair was anything but cocky and composed, but Oliver was bearing to witness to one of those rare instances now. "Actually, you know what, never mind. We don't want anything. Shut up," she snapped at Reed, once they had put enough distance between themselves and the free samples. "I don't know what you're laughing about. It's not like you got a drink either."

"It's not like I wanted one." Reed smirked at her obvious irritation. "Although, that embarrassing interaction was certainly entertaining, so thanks for that."

Clair shot him a dirty look and stalked off with one arm still hooked firmly through Adam's, giving him little choice but to be dragged after her. He cast a look back at them was equal parts exasperated (most likely at Reed, for going out of his way to antagonise his girlfriend) and resigned, most likely to his fate for this trip. It was clear it would be a lot of Clair trying to monopolise his time and Oliver left to entertain himself with Reed. Oliver was alright with this outcome for any number of selfish reasons. One, it meant Clair would be harassing Adam rather than Oliver. Secondly, and more important, it meant Oliver got to spend more time alone with Reed. He certainly wasn't complaining about that.

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