8| No Time To Explain

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That gruff powerful voice calling his name was the last thing Jesse heard right when the glass of his bedroom window shattered. Another furry creature with claws, fangs, and pointed ears had joined the fight, and it looked scarier and angrier than anything Jesse had ever seen before.

The new werewolf had black fur and some torn pieces of fabric on his arched back, revealing muscular parts of his abdomen. He landed on all four limbs with ten fingers and ten toes. The muzzle of this raging beast wrinkled into a snarl with drooling teeth. A hint of humanity manifested in the incomplete transformation of his nose and the shape of his glowing gold eyes.

He growled from the deeps of his throat toward Jesse's direction, though he wasn't growling at him but at T-Bone.

The color from Jesse's face drained, and his heart sunk to the pit of his stomach when the big black werewolf jump over, knocking the brown werewolf off of him.

Jesse screamed, covering his head with his now free hands.

The bed trembled when the mighty monsters hit the floor. The two werewolves immediately engaged in a wild battle of life and death, biting an arm, scratching a leg, or delivering vicious claw strikes to the chest.

"Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!"

Jesse couldn't believe his eyes; two mythical creatures existing and fighting right in front of him, in his own room.

The towering beasts stood on two limbs roaring before they grew into monstrous forms, shredding the rest of their upper clothes and stripping them of the remainder of their human features.

Jesse took cover beside the bed, staring at the dangerous beings severely wounding one another, both covered in glistering stains of blood. Threads of hair flew in the air and pieces of flesh dangled from each beast. And those terrifying sounds they made, those bloodthirsty untamed growls were too much to bear.

It was a deadly encounter. Jesse was sure if he were to get between them, he wouldn't survive, not one single hit.

In this small battlefield, the two wolves moved their fight near Jesse's wardrobe, dooming it to be smashed and broken from the heavy accidental blows. Some clothes tore apart, landing everywhere. One of these garments dropped in front of Jesse.

"Ah, man," Jesse whined. "Not my Armani suit."

"Jesse!" his mom shouted behind the door. "I'm comin', pumpkin! I'm almost there!"

Jesse snapped out of it.

"Ma, No! You best not open that door!"

In this dire situation that could cost him his life, Jesse was occupied with the thought of his mother's safety all the time.

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