01 | blytherock

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"Are we there yet?" I asked Edmund eagerly while peering out of the carriage window. Outside, I could see thick pine forests and grey skies, starkly different to the warm blue skies of the south. I could hear the crashing waves, and the air smelled strongly of the salty sea. It was oddly beautiful, but it was also very cold.

"It's not very far from here, Annie. We'll reach there soon," Edmund replied swiftly. "Button up your coat, as it will be very windy there."

I was excited to live at Blytherock Castle, but I also felt disappointed that we were not going to live in Sterling Castle instead. I was the Duchess of Cindertrappe now, but I did not even live there. Another thing has been bugging my conscience too recently, and even though I trusted Edmund, I had been feeling rather doubtful.

"Husband," I called out. "That Lacey Ross, does she still go to the castle?"

Edmund glanced at me warily, and slowly nodded. "She still does, Annie. I've been thinking of silencing her, as I'm afraid that the king might use her against us. You do know that the Arrinella Cordesane and the Aglarose Cordesane uphold different values, right?"

"In Rhyland, a marriage is legitimate as long as both spouses are single, widowed or divorced at the time of marriage. But in Fallere City, any previous partner of the husband must either be dead or already married for the marriage to be legitimized. Lacey Ross is neither of those, husband," I spoke, eyeing him sharply. "You were born royal, and it is known that the royal family upholds the Arrinella branch of faith."

Edmund smiled thinly and nodded. "When she comes to Sterling Castle again, I shall order for her to be silenced, and no one can question the legitimacy of our marriage."

I smiled in satisfaction as I nestled closer to him, but my smile did not reach my eyes, which were cold and narrowed. This man is my husband, and anyone who threatens my marriage must be rooted out and casted away.

Another concern had also arisen. I had yet to be with child. Of course, we were only married for three months, but my childlessness caused me sleepless nights. I refused to be like dead Queen Helene, who threw away her life out of distraught of losing her son, the heir. I also did not want to become like Queen Jane, who was forgotten as soon as she produced a son, as if there was no more use left in her. I knew that if I could not give birth to a son, according to the Arrinella branch of faith, Edmund could legally divorce me.

As I recalled all the innocent lives I have took, Prince George and Queen Jane's fetus, as well as Prince Gregory, who was deformed due to the after-effects of the poison I gave to his mother, I became more and more afraid. What if I were to be barren, unable to bear an heir for my husband? He would then have a reason to cast me away, leaving me to rot.

"Why are you so quiet Annie? Are you sleepy?" Edmund chuckled, having noticed my sudden silence. He then reached for the cotton fleece blanket on the carpeted floor of the carriage, careful not to spill over the brazier full of hot coals.

I shook my head, but I allowed him to drape the heavy blanket over my shoulders and pull me closer to him, as I indeed felt cold.

"You are lying," my husband laughed as he gently traced the skin right under my eyes. "You could barely keep your eyes open. Just sleep, Annie. I will wake you up when we have arrived."

I smiled weakly and nodded. Snuggling closer to him, I felt instant warmth and comfort, one that I was unwilling to share with anyone. His fingers were stroking my hair, and his hot breath was fanning my cheeks. I felt safe and loved there, next to him. Slowly, I fell asleep.


"We've arrived, Annie..."

Edmund gently patted my cheeks, awaking me from my slumber. My back was hurting terribly from not lying down in ages, and my legs had gone completely numb. Needless to say, it was not a pleasant awakening.

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