37 | farewell

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     The day that I dreaded for so long had finally arrived. The twentieth day of summer.

Before he leaves for Terrawyn, my father planned to come and visit me at the palace one last time, and now, I am anxiously awaiting for him to arrive.

I had regained some of my strength, so I was able to walk around the palace again, though I had to clutch onto Lillianna's arm out of fear that I would collapse.

    "My Lady, I heard some interesting tidbits from the chambermaids," Argenta whispered as she and Lillianna escorted me downstairs. "Apparently, one of them overheard that Hasteburn woman crying and wailing at her father, begging him to persuade the King to sleep with her again."

    "What foul behaviour," Lillianna interjected.

    "Does she cry out for her son?" I ask.

Argenta shook her head. "Surprisingly, no. She supposedly hates the boy now, since he has been tainted by the southern demons."

On any other day, I would have laughed upon hearing this piece of gossip, but today, I felt as if all joy has left my body.
I only silently nodded, not bothering to open my mouth and add more fuel to the fire.

     The Earl arrived early in the morning, mounted proudly on his ebony steed, his robes of silk brocade billowing in the wind.

    "Father," I greeted smilingly, but I knew that my fake cordiality did little to mask the worry in my eyes. "It is so good to see you."

    "Likewise, my daughter," he says as he lowers his head in greeting.

From the beginning of my reign until now, I never liked how my father had to bow down to me. After all, he was the one who put me up here, so why should he be the one lowering his head?

    "You should go and see the King," I say as I place my hand on his shoulder, stopping him from bowing down.

He glances up at me and smiles. "Of course, Your Majesty."

He vanishes into the King's study, and I had no clue as to what he was discussing with Edmund. And to be frank, I was too anxious to care.

The duration of their discussion was not long, and within half an hour, my father emerged from the King's study.

    "Anne, I don't have much time," he says urgently. "I would like to give you a prized possession of mine."

My eyes lit up. "What is it, Father?"

    "This," he says, gesturing to the white gold band on his forefinger. The ring was intricately carved, and in the centre of it were five teardrop shaped amethysts, arranged in a way to resemble a periwinkle in full bloom.

      "This is our family heirloom, Anne. It was worn by your great-great-grandfather, and it was passed down all the way to me."

He then takes the ring off, then grasped my hand and placed the ring on my open palm.
        "This ring has accompanied me to the most dangerous battlefields, and had witnessed the most twisted conspiracies. But I remain unscathed, so I believe that it provides protection to some extent."

My father smiled as he folded my hand shut, sealing the ring within. "And now, I want you to have it."

    "But Father," I protest. "You need the protection now, more than ever. I can't take it."

He shook his head. "How much harm could befall me? I am more concerned about you, my child. You are surrounded by creatures who appear human, but deep within, they are gluttonous beasts who are awaiting for your downfall."

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