Chapter Three

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Blair POV.

   My first couple of periods have gone by and I'm now at lunch. I sit with Natalie and Kate. All of the upperclassman sit in the cafeteria while the freshman and sophomores sit outside.

   "I'm bored." I say shoving a fry in my mouth. Kate laughs, clearly over what happened earlier.

   "Hi bored, I'm Natalie."

   "Ew Nat, you did not just say that" I laughed, "dads make that joke" Natalie scoffs, looking offended, and looks at Kate.

   "Dads do say that" Kate agrees.

   "Well, dads are hot so. " Natalie sticks her tongue at us. "Especially yours" she says to Kate. Kate picks up my fries and throw them at her. Yes key word, my, my fries.

   "My dad is happily married." Kate says.

   "Kate!" I huffed. She takes a handful Natalie's fries and plops them on my plate.

   "Thank you" I say satisfied.

   "If you're bored we can go shopping after school." Natalie suggests. I nod quickly in agreement. Saying that Natalie loves to shop is an understatement. I love to shop. But to her shopping is her life and passion.

   "I think I should have sex with Grayson." I say. Kate chokes on her salad while Natalie looks at me like I'm crazy.

   "I mean..." Natalie starts with a loss of words, "I understand... he is a very attractive man."

   "What... the actual fuck?" Asks Kate.

   "I was kidding guys." I wasn't. Oops...Kate seems satisfied with that answer. I look at Natalie who gives me a look telling me we will talk about it later.

   I was 100% serious. Grayson is hot, I'm hot, we would probably have hot sex. Hot hate sex. Sue me I'm just bored.

   Lunch is over meaning I only have two classes left. My class after lunch was terrible. I hate with a living passion Econ. I don't like it and it doesn't like me. It's a bore and horrible. And I especially don't like the teacher. He's a cranky old man. Mr. Walsh. Oof. Miserable old man. I had him last year for history, and to my luck I got him again this year.

   Luckily my last class of the day is my favorite. I also have Natalie in it. Calculus. I hands down suck at calculus, but I love the teacher. Mr. Harvey.

   "Isn't he just so nice to look at." Natalie sighs while taking the seat next to me. Ok you caught me... this might be one of the reasons he's my favorite teacher. He's young, good looking, funny, but he's also just a great teacher. I didn't have last year, but he's all anyone would talk about when he started teaching the year before.

   "Don't forget about Zack." I laugh.

   "Who?" She plays dumb.

    "Good afternoon class!" He smiled at us all. "I see you all picked your own seats..." he was cut off by the opening of the door. Oh great. In walked in, or more like strutted, was Grayson and his two friends. Noah White and Connor O'Brien. The three of them have been friends since kindergarten. Their parents all being best friends would set up play dates for them. Zack joined their group in middle school when he moved into town and joined their flag football team.

   "Good afternoon teach!" Carter smiles broadly. Carter is also very attractive, white his dark hair and dark eyes. He is the flirt of the group. Grayson gives the teacher a nod.

   "Sorry we're late." Said Noah. Noah is the sweetest out of all the boys. Also very attractive, blonde hair and green eyes. The boys scan the room for open seats. There are only three open seats left in the class. There's one open behind Natalie, who is to the left of me. One open behind the seat to the right of me. And then one open towards the front of the class.

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