Chapter 8

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I've never minded the lavish lifestyle, though I found that I enjoyed living simply over the years. Before I was concealing my identity, I lived what some would call a luxurious life. Not to this degree, however. I barely can do anything on my own--whether it is because of my new title or just because the King doesn't want me alone, I'm not sure. This new, strange title. It still feels like mud on my tongue when I hear or say it. 

Queen Canna of Hybern. 

If my past self could see me now... 

The size of the castle is enormous and I have yet to cross paths with all the guests that reside here. At all times, I have two soldiers behind me. The King says it is for protection, but I know the truth of it. At least they keep a farther distance then when I was an actual prisoner--one who looked the part. Now I just wear fancy gowns and a crown. 

The day after I accepted the bargain, I was crowned Queen. To the absolute dismay of the majority of the court. Almost the entire room was appalled as the silver diadem was placed atop my head. Still, they bowed to me as I stood in front of the King in his throne. No chair for me, of course. Instead, I stand to his right. 

Today, I follow him out to the stables. There was word from the closest town over that a spy from Prythian was caught. They say he is a Shadowsinger. My heart nearly stopped when the soldier claimed this. Apparently, the King seems to know of another, because there was no surprise in him whatsoever. I agreed to come a little too eagerly, not sure what I would do if I recognized the fae. Not that I have too much to go on from that extremely short time in the cell when he--or she--entered the room. 

Our footsteps pound against the marble floor of the castle halls. Various guests and servants walk past us, each inclining their heads. I also receive some sort of facial expression too. My mind is consumed by what we might find when we arrive at the town that the whisper of my shadows startles me. They inform me of some sneering and gawking High Fae. 

Mostly, I keep a damper on my powers so that I don't have swirls of darkness surrounding me, reaching outward. Times like this, I let it go just a little. I feel my grateful shadows twist around me, clawing for the walls on either side. The steps of the soldiers behind us falter just a bit, but it is not them I am trying to frighten. My lip quirks upwards when the sneering High Fae plaster themselves against the wall to avoid the snapping shadows as we pass by. Some down the hall even turn on their heels and flee the corridor. When I reign my magic back in, I can see the grin on the King's face. It wipes away mine. 

The town we arrive at is smaller than I pictured, filled with rutty roads, ragged homes and shops, and a sad looking people. We ride to the center, a parade of royal High Fae. Here, I get no scowls. Lesser fae outnumber High Fae in this town, and they look to me like they know my story. Maybe they do. 

The soldiers in front stop abruptly in front of a building I would assume is the holding facility. Broken wood beams line the exterior, complete with pane-less windows. "I doubt this place could hold a Shadowsinger," I offer lightly as I climb of the white mare. The King and a round looking fae with large teeth look at me.

"Indeed," the King agrees as he surveys the building and surrounding town. 

"Your Majesty, I assure you we could hold any fae here. We still have our share of faebane," the round fae counters. I recoil at the mention of the poison, but recover before anyone notices. The memory of the substance in my veins still fresh. I later came to find that the purple jewel in that cuff was sealed faebane. It kept my magic away for over a decade, making me sickly. 

The King only nods sharply before launching into a determined walk. I follow quickly behind him, eager to get a look at the prisoner, afraid at what he might have me do. I can't use my magic to free myself, but could I use it to free someone else?

The interior of the building is simple--one room with a desk and a few cells. It is a lot more open than the one that I stayed in. In the cell furthest to the right is a dirt covered fae, his golden hair caked with mud and sweat. His blue eyes hold the King's as we circle the cage. 

This is not the one I felt that day. 

I am equally relieved and disappointed. 

"This is no Shadowsinger. Do you agree, wife?" The King asks me, slinging around one of my least favorite words. 

I keep a straight face, "No, he is not." The fae snaps his attention to me, his eyes wide. Not to me, but to the slithering darkness that keeps tight around me. 

"You say this male is from Prythian?" The King asks, already uninterested.

"Yes, your Majesties."

He turns back to the male, who is now quivering on the floor. "Which Court do you belong to?"

No answer. Still, the fae watches my magic swirl around me. I pull it in, so only a few wisps leak out. His frightened blue eyes move to mine, unchanging in their fear. 

"Are you a spy?"

Still, nothing.

"I don't care. Kill him," the King snipes to me as he stalks out of the dilapidated building. 

Everyone else leaves with him, too wary of what I can do to remain. I take a few slow steps towards the male. "I'm sorry," I whisper, mostly to myself, too quietly for even the fae in front of me to hear. 

I let go of the damper. The sweet release of my powers exploding from me. They consume the male before he has even a moment to comprehend. I feel the life leave his body, even before he slumps to the floor. My shadows retreat into me, the sunshine returning into the space that was just devoid of light. Unlike the others that my magic has devoured, the male in front of me looks as though he never moved, never screamed. His eyes remain wide and fixed ahead of him, staring at my feet. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and exit the building. 

Now, the fae of the town gawk at me. With no windows, they undoubtedly saw everything--well they saw a darkness explode from me, a wall of nothing, and a dead body in its wake. I see some hide their children behind them as I make my way to the mare waiting for me.

That night, alone in my bed chambers, I stare at the ceiling, afraid. Afraid because I am beginning to enjoy the feel of the release of my powers onto others. Less so when I take the life of someone I feel was innocent. I enjoy it greatly when frightening others within this castle--the nasty, selfish nobles and High Fae of Hybern. 

I roll over and see the moon through the windows, its brightness the only light in the night sky. Perhaps this is how I need to be in order to free myself. To be rid of this wretched kingdom, I need to feel nothing. 

Just wanted to give my EXTREME thanks for sticking it out this far! I love writing this, and am happy to see others are enjoying it as well! It would mean sooo much to me if you would vote for each chapter as you read them! (: xx

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