Chapter 5: Drive

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Ray and I don't say anything for the first few minutes of the drive. He drives with one hand on the wheel and the other on the stick and I try to not find it as attractive as I do.

Ray coughs rubbing the back of his neck, "Where do you live again?"

My eyes narrow on him, "I thought you knew where I lived?"

"Uh, yeah..." He avoids my eyes. " I just didn't want you to drive back with Matt. He is not... right for you"

Ray is right, but I scoff anyway. "And why is that?"

"He was eyeing Lily up all night. You don't deserve that." He grunts.

I look away, so he did notice that. I feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment. Seems like I am always going to be second to Lily, huh. I am never anyone's first choice.

A silence settles between us. I glance at the radio hoping he would turn it on, but he doesn't.

"So who was that woman?"

I turn my head towards the window, "What women?" I say pretending to be suddenly interested in the street lamps.

He frowns at my response, his finger tapping against the steering wheel. "The one in the restaurant"

"She's no one."

"Didn't look like no one"

I sigh rubbing my temple, trying to ease the ache in my head. I squeeze my eyes shut. "Just drop it"

"How can I Tate?!" Ray almost growls. "You are my Match for god sakes-"

"-yes and you rejected me. You chose Lily." I grit out. "You lost every right to know anything about me and my life the moment you rejected me. So don't give me that 'Match' bullshit!"

He runs a hand through his disheveled hair. "Your right." He sighs. "I am sorry. I-I just... I don't like seeing you upset"

My cold exterior cracks for a second. I bite my lip and turn to look back out the window.

He doesn't try to make any conversation after that.

His expression grows more concerned the closer we get to my house. I feel a ting of embarrassment about where I live. I live in the run down poor part of town, the dangerous poor part of town. Nothing life the fancy house and friendly neighbours Ray probably has. But then I remind myself that I don't have a choice where I live.

"This is me" I say, as he nears my house.

My embarrassment about how dirty and run down the place is is put to hold when I see a figure standing at my doorstep. My eyes narrow on the tall dark clothed figure. Recognition forms as he turns his head, it is Greg one of my neighbours.

My eyebrows furrow, what is he doing here?

He has a cigarette dangling from his lips, his usual leather black jacket and tattoos wrapping up is forearms.

"Who the fuck is that?" Ray asks, lips pursed together. I notice his grips on the steering wheel tighten, his knuckles whitening. 

My eyebrows raise at Ray swearing, I haven't heard him swear before. I would be lying if I said I didn't find him swearing extremely hot.

I focus my eyes back on Greg. "Ah... its my neighbour" I say, suddenly concerned why Greg is waiting at my doorstep. It is unlike Greg to come to my place. And while he is mostly an alright guy, he does have his anger issues. You have to be cautious with him though, he is part of a not so friendly gang.

I go to open the door but doesn't open.

I try agin. It still doesn't budge.

I glance to Ray. "Can you unlock the door?" I ask.

"No" He deepens.

My brows furrow, but before I can say anything he speaks.

"Not until you tell who the fuck is that guy is on your doorstep." He says, his expression stoic.

Anger rises in me. "He is just one of my neighbours, okay. Can I leave now?"

"What does he want?" He says, turning towards me.

"I don't know, let me out and then I will see" I grit out, starting to get frustrated.

He reluctantly unlocks to door and I step out making my way to Greg.

When Greg sees me he takes a drag of slow his cigarette. I frown, he must not be in a good mood if he is smoking, he only smokes when he is stressed.

I shove my hands into my pockets squaring my shoulders. Living in this shit neighbourhood I have learnt you always have to portray a brave face around these types of guys. If you show one sign of weakness, they think they can scare you into dodgy shit.

"Greg, what is up?"

He pushes off my houses wall.

"Well if it isn't little miss Tate." He smirks. "On a date with pretty boy?" He says, nodding his head in the direction of Rays car, which is still parked there. I sigh deeply.

"Cut the crap Greg. What do you want?"

"Alright then, straight to business. I need a new delivery kid and I was thinking hey, I know a kid who is good on her feet, knows the town like the back of her hand and great at getting out of shit. Perfect for the job" He says taking another drag of his cigarette. "Would obviously come with some finical benefits, which I know this kid is in desperate need of..."

I scowl. "Don't involve me with your drug dealing shit Greg. I have told you multiple times, I am not getting involved with that."

Greg grabs my arm, pulling me closer to him. I stumble little before regaining my feet. "Don't forget who you are talking to girl" He growls.

Ray is already out of the car walking towards us in an instant. And he look fucking mad.

"Stay out of it pretty boy" Greg warns as Ray nears. 

"Don't touch her." Ray says, awfully calm and composed, but the tick in his jaw gives away his anger.

Greg look hesitant for a moment as Ray nears. A combination of Rays height and furious expression on his face makes him look fucking intimating. He looks ten times more scary than Greg does right now.

Greg quickly lets go of my arm taking a step back, holding his arms up in surrender.

"No worries, we were just having a friendly chat, aye Tate." He says walking backwards. He nods at me, "Just think about it, okay." He turns around and leave. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

A relieved smile comes to my face glad that he left so quickly, normally it takes me awhile to get rid of him. 

I glance up to Ray and my smile fades.

Because he looks fucking mad.

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