Chapter 16: Richmond Park, London

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Marcus and Antony met in Hyde park, and that day the friends opted to sit rather than ride.

'So Miss. Hill burned Prince Philip's dining room' Antony said with a chuckle.

'Have I told you before that you are wasting your talent. You make the best spy,' said Marcus.

'Yes you have, a million times if i care to count,' said Antony and moved on to other topics.

Marcus eyed him suspiciously, 'Why aren't you nagging me about Frances?' asked Marcus.

Antony replied, 'I knew your intentions were genuine, when you defended Miss.Hill to her mother. I'm not worried about her anymore.'

Antony knew Marcus so well, but he was wrong about him this time, he liked Frances. However, he didn't have any plans to marry her. Any decent man would not do what he did to Frances, thought Marcus.

Marcus returned from his errands and got into the carriage, the driver asked whether he should set course to the opera house where Camellia is currently stationed. Marcus asked him to ride home straight.

Marcus was sure he could still smell Frances in the pillow she layed. Marcus has never brought ladies to his house, Frances was the first. He had never climbed a tree as a child, he was an earl and future duke, he had responsibilities. It was his first. Everything seemed to be a first when he was with Frances. As he slept he dreamt of her; he woke up in the morning hot and needy.

Richmond Park was a large private park of more than 2000 acres that was exclusive to the royal family. Richmond park was surrounded by thick brick walls. Major attraction of the park was deer hunting.

Frances was excited as she rode through the gates of the park. She wore a dark green riding habit matched with emerald earrings Princess Charlotte presented.

Frances was accompanied by a guard; he escorted her to where Princess Charlotte was. Princess Charlotte was accompanied by two more ladies Frances didn't know. The guard helped her dismount. She curtsied to the Princess.

Princess Charlotte gestured to Frances and said, 'This is Miss. Hill.' Indicating to the two ladies Princess Charlotte said to Frances, 'This is Princess Galina and Princess Irina from Russia.'

Frances noticed the two women with identical thin and long noses, they wore their hair in long plaits and a flat hat; they had rather powdery pale looks as though they rarely saw sun.

Frances jumped when she heard a gunshot nearby. 'Don't be scared, they are setting targets for a shooting match.'

Frances felt a tap in her shoulder, she turned and it was Marcus, she blurted, 'Marcus, what are you doing here?'

Marcus laughed and said 'the same question, I might ask you.'

'Princess Charlotte invited me for a ride,' replied Frances.

On her questioning look he answered, 'I am visiting with Prince Philip.' And right on cue Prince Philip arrived with two men, Frances bobed a quick curtsy.

'This is Captain Andrew and General Levi,' introduced the Prince. Frances curtsied to them both.

Captain Andrew took her arms and kissed her knuckles.

Frances looked at Marcus, he was frowning at Captain Andrew, this made her blush.

'Shall we make our way to the shooting sight,' asked Captain Andrew, offering his hand to Frances.

Frances gulped, she found no way to refuse without insulting him. So she took it and he led her.

Marcus was furious, it is common to kiss a lady's knuckles as a greeting, but he didn't like the way Captain Andrew did. What was more infuriating was Frances blushed, that small patch of her skin in her cheek which he liked, turned pink. Frances should be walking in his arms not someone else's. He wanted to pound Captain Andrew limb to limb. Marcus grudgingly escorted one of the Russian Princesses.

Maids arranged a few chairs for viewing, and the ladies departed to take the seats. Marcus could tell, Frances left reluctantly to join the ladies.

'We will play five rounds and find who the winner is,' Marcus was telling the rest of the gentlemen.

Frances joined the ladies and said, 'I wish I could join in the shooting match too.'

'We don't have enough pistols, seeing you don't have one, you can join next time,' replied Marcus curtly.

To Marcus' disgust Captain Andrew said, 'You can join us Miss. Hill, I will be happy to share mine.'

'You will' beamed Frances. Marcus gritted his teeth loudly.

Marcus didn't want Frances to share anything with Captain Andrew, so he devised a plan.

'Let's make things interesting. We will play the same five rounds, each round we will eliminate the worst participant.' Marcus was sure Frances would be the first to be eliminated.

Prince Philip took the turn first, he took aim and shot. When the target was brought forward, he had missed it by two inches.

Next Captain Andrew shot, much to Marcus' irritation he had hit the target. Frances cheered for him.

Marcus was so furious, he took aim and shot. When the target was brought forward, Marcus had missed the target by several inches.

Next came Frances' turn, before Captain Andrew could offer his pistol to her, Marcus thrusted his pistol in Frances hand. She smiled at him warmly and said 'Wish me luck.'

She took aim and shot, she had hit the target.

Marcus was the first one to get eliminated. He was fuming as he took a seat with the other ladies. Smug smile on Captain Andrew's face wanted Marcus to pummel him.

Each round progressed, Frances and Captain Andrew made it to the final round. Captain Andrew gave a smug look at Marcus, Marcus balled his fist.

Captain Andrew shot, he had hit the target.

Frances' turn came, she aimed and shot, she had hit the bulls eye. Everyone cheered, Captain Andrew made a mock bow, Frances laughed. She bounded to Marcus and handed him his pistol squealing 'I won.'

Marcus couldn't help but to return a smug smile to Captain Andrew, as Frances talked to him animatedly about the match.

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