18 | Damon

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- Thursday, 5:48 pm -

"D?" Josh says walking down into the basement gym.

I turn to look at hm steding the punching bag. "Yea?" Sweat drips down my nose.

"How long are you going to do this for? You missed lunch and dinner is in ten." He asks.

"I'm busy." I say wiping my sweat.

"You are though. I understand tomorrow is the big fight, but you need to eat." Josh says.

"I'm fine." I grunt and drink some water.

"Damon. You will be up stairs for dinner at six." He says with more authority. I turn to look at him. He seems either concerned or really mad. Both maybe?

I pause for a second to consult to my body. Arms burning. Head swimming. Stomach growling. I'm tired. "Alright." I hang my head in defeat.

"See you at dinner." He states all content as he walks away.

WIth a huff I walk to the showers and take a quick shower. I turn the water cold and my muscles relax under my tight skin. It feels better. I wasn't aware how much pain my body was in. Thoughts of her try to fight their way into my head. I try to push them out, but nothing can do it. But then a flash of Astrid's green eyes stop every thought. And everything goes to her.

How can a "random person" have such an effect on me? She changes the way I think sometimes. They way she would be confident as she sassed me. No one ever does that. Everyone always says I'm intimidating, so no one outside of business talks to me. But Astrid has no fear.

She is so different from other "random people". I find myself smiling when I look in the mirror. She'll never like me. How could she? Even if she didn't ever find out who I am, and what I do.

Before I know it, I'm walking into the dinning hall and all conversation stops. All heads turn to me. "Fellas." I say as I take a seat at my spot.

Once they start talking again it feels like old times. Before the fights. Before Astrid. Before my father died. When we were just starting this empire. Like a family. We are always happy together when we are allowed to talk about our life. Not Crip life, our life. Dinner here is usually a time to relax.

Dinner goes by too fast. And soon I'm in my bed going to sleep, dreaming of the old times with the gang.

- Friday morning, 10:01 am -

I get up from my bed and make my way down stairs. In the kitchen, Josh is leaning against the counter sipping coffee as he watches the news. "Morning." He says glancing in my direction.

"Morning." I mumble.

I walk to the fridge and search it for something to eat. I find some hard boiled eggs and just eat two of those. But after I finish them, my stomach growls and I walk to the fridge again after I perceive my hunger. I take out the milk jug and drink from it. I get together a protein shake and then make my way down to the gym as I drink my shake. But I hear a knock at the shop's front door. I closed it for today, did they not see the sign?

I walk to the door to see the Sheriff standing behind with a few guys behind him. I wave and walk over to open the door. "Hello fellas. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I say. They walk forward into the shop and I back up out of their way.

"What are you doing today? Why the sudden closing?" He asks suspiciously.

"Family matter, Sir." I answer.

"Ahh." He says looking around behind me.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I ask to take a swig of my drink.

"Uh, mind if we look around?" He asks.

"I do in fact." I declare.

"Do you?" He says walking toward me. "Got something to hide?"

"Got a reason to search?" I say standing tall.

He doesn't say anything for a moment. "Not yet. But when I do, we will clean you out." He spits.

"I'll be waiting." I smirk.

"Yea." He says. He backs away and then they are all gone.

He is so annoying. And persistent, so he will be breathing down my neck for a little bit. I have to make sure I am extra careful now, until he gets frustrated and gives up.

I finish my drink and get on the treadmill and run a mile and a half. After my run I do some lifting. Once I'm dripping in sweat I go back upstairs for lunch. Josh is sitting on the couch eating pizza.

"Where did you get the pizza?" I ask him, taking a slice from the coffee table, sitting on the couch next to him.

"I made it. You forget I am such a good cook." He says. And he is.

"Whatever." I say as I take a big bite.

"Are you ready for tonight?" He asks me.

I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up. "Yea, ready as I'll ever be."

Then I get a text. 

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