Chapter 37

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Sonal's POV:

I felt his hot breath even more closer to me that our breath has become one

His bloodshot eyes were softened now. His pupils were dilated.

His hold on my neck loosened and slowly his hands slid down to my cheeks cupping them.

He closed his eyes and I was about to do the same in anticipation but then the very next moment I felt a strong jerk from him pushing me away

"I am sorry...I am not allowed to touch you...not allowed to come close to you...I am extremely sorry for my mistake...will take care that it won't repeat...hope you forgive me"

Taking a step forward and parting my lips I was about to speak "Arj

But then again he interrupted me showing his hand asking me to stop in my path.

Closing and opening his eyes he took a breath and announced

"From now onwards I'll be in my limits"

Before I could react anything to his stupid statement he left the room.

I slumped on the bed holding my head between my palms.

Angry Bird's anger is higher than the peak of Mount Everest.

What would I do now?? How would I persuade him?? How will I cool down his anger??

While I was making an effort to get the solution suddenly something  popped out of my mind and snapping my fingers I exclaimed "Idea"

Instantly I made a call to my darling Siya who is the only one to propose some good ideas and save me from the newly transformed Angry lion.

Siya: Hello my sweetheart... Arjun seems to have left the office.

Sonal: Ha...but how do you know??

Siya: It's obvious darling...he has left and that is the reason you got free time to give me a call...or else you would be busy in morning romance session with your I right Mrs. Arjun??

Sonal: If you are done with your teasing...can we talk now??

I was in no mood of getting teased by the pregnant dinosaur😏

Siya: OK Mam as you say

Sonal: Umm...Siya..... whenever Raghav is upset by do you persuade him??

Siya: Did you guys fight??

Sonal: Ha... I mean no...not exactly

Siya: it's happens with every need to hide it from can share

Sonal: Ha actually we fought over an issue...And I am not getting what to do?? Please help me out Siya...tell me what do you do when Raghav is upset...tell me what should I do so that Arjun will forgive me.

Siya: Well it's so simple baby

Sonal: Is it?? Then tell me fast what I am supposed to do

Siya: Kiss Therapy

Sonal: What?????

Siya: Ha kiss therapy...whenever the husband is upset every wife uses the kiss therapy...and trust me always works...I often use it on your brother...and you know what...he melts faster than ice.

Sonal: Are you serious Siya??

Siya: Absolutely yes sweetheart...I am damn serious...and I strongly recommend you to use the same kiss therapy...and you don't worry at all...I'll teach you everything...after all, I have a PhD degree in the subject called romance and baby you are still in the KG you need to pick up the pace...understood??

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