That's not it

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Another report of a murder, it was in another apartment complex, like the victim at the park the girl was strangled. But there was no sign of connections with pumpkins or that it could be the serial killer. But they found out the girl Violet was the one kidnapping people, what a twist huh?..Pretended to go missing and made herself seem like the victim. Since those cases were solved I might have company in detective work in solving the Chester case. And not the good kind of company...Mostly snobs who just want approval and think they're so smart and overlook simple things. Though I'm not saying I'm the only perfect detective, I'm far from that but most other detectives in this town make it worse, coming to wrong conclusions, making the wrong person guilty. That kind of crap. Point is, if I get a partner I'm not going to like it. Any simple detective would say, Violet was Chester, problem solved. And get clout and money but years later what do you know? it was wrong. Though Violet lived with three other people and maybe they could have helped with what she was doing, or maybe they were doing crimes on their own. But judging on what happened to her friend in her basement I don't think that's the case. Anyhow, a bad detective would say the case is closed. But I don't want to be reckless here, people are dead and will keep dying if I don't find out the truth, and Chester just got more personal with me..

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