Chapter 9

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Maya sighed in contentment as she sank into the cool, crisp water of the large fountain that stood in the center of the garden. Bending back all the way until her head was submerged in the water the girl let the water soak through her long fire red hair and into her scalp. She could practically feel the dryness of her throat disappear and her painfully dry skin returned to its lusciously smooth state. This was precisely what she needed. 

After having experienced a very rowdy and embarrassing breakfast that morning thanks to Lily and later having spent the better part of her afternoon in town with Olivia , Lily and Mary, Maya was worn out and all dried up. She came up from beneath the water not even breathing in fresh air for she had found that breathing beneath the water was another way for her to remain hydrated. At least that was the case for her but if anyone else tried they would have drowned for there was only one person alive who could breathe like a fish and that was Maya . 

The girl suddenly sensed a presence behind her and spun around, her usually fluffy her lying straight and wet against her back which was barely covered by the partially skimpy dress that her sister had given her. The entire dress was like a large piece of silky purple cloth that had been folded in half with the corners tide around her neck with a silver belt her chest and her back were barely covered while a silver belt was wrapped around her waist the only thing keeping her top from exposing her breasts. 

The skirt was long and thankfully covered her feet but was incredibly narrow and only helped to accent her curves. Mayer resisted the urge to gasp or groan though the latter was harder to suppress. Those little demons! Lily and Olivia knew that she was heading to the fountain after their outing so as to avoid Cersei Lannister seeing her. They purposely did not warn her for standing in the gateway that led up to the Castle was none other than Oberyn Martell. He stood frozen with one hand on the gate and the other discreetly gripping the hilt of his dagger . 

He did not grip it because he felt threatened but rather because he needed something to keep him grounded to reality for having stumbled upon a lovely woman with perfectly smooth features, the body of a nymph and a dress that was doing nothing to hide the way her body was purposely made to seduce, he felt the need to gawk which would have only embarrassed him.

Oberyn composed himself 1st and released the gate and his dagger , he bowed his head but refused to break eye contact with the girl. "My lady. Forgive me for intruding."

Maya was the first break the stare, glancing down to make sure her soaked clothes were not transparent and thanked the heavens that it was a deep purple. Stepping out of the fountain, she preceded to smooth her hands over her hair and dress, discreetly absorbing the water to dry herself. She felt her heart pound when Oberyn approached her slowly with a smirk upon his lips as he drank in the sight of her.

"Have we met before?" He questioned, "I'm Oberyn Martell."

"I know who you are," the girl mumbled.

Oberyn beamed and Maya instantly regretted her words, "so we have met before? I knew it. Not many have your eyes and her my lady."

Maya shot him a deadpan expression, planting her hands on her hips which only helped by drawing Oberyn's eyes away from her face to her hips. "Just because I know who you are doesn't necessarily mean you know me. You have made quite a name for yourself ...And a reputation."

This only helped in making Oberyn's smirk expand and Maya wish dearly to just smack it off ...or kiss it off ...oh gods! Not that! Shut up Maya! Do not act like a little lovesick schoolgirl! But his lips were so enticing at that angle!

"Now I definitely know we have met. No one could forget that sharp tongue especially from a lady. What are you doing here in Kings landing? You are too bold to have been living here of your own free will . The Lannister's would have locked you up long ago." The man chuckled as he leant against a nearby tree, arms crossed over his barely concealed tanned chest.

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