Chapter 51

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Anastasia caught the flu.

The most unfortunate thing of all was that she had to miss the Daddy Daughter Dance tonight. She had been taking her antibiotics as directed, drinking tea, eating toast and soup, and laying around in bed, but she was still as ill as she was three days ago.

"Anastasia, do you want me to call Dad and ask him to make a change of plans?" I urgently asked, not wanting to exclude her from the day's activities.

"No, please don't," she begged. "Go out with Daddy tonight, and I'll have a special dinner with him or something. I know how much you want to go tonight."

"Alright," I complied because, after all, she was right. I was so eager for this dance; I'd had a countdown in my head since the day I opened the invitation.

I left her bedroom so I could call my dad, who assured me that he would be leaving his hotel at two o'clock. However, when I called, he declined my call, claiming to be in a conference. Still, he sent a text assuring that he'd be here tonight. And, I believed him; he was my Dad, and I knew he wouldn't let me down.

I was about to reenter Anastasia's room when my phone buzzed. I checked the messages, wondering what else my dad had to say.

Joey: I'm leaving for the airport soon, don't forget to send a pic of you tonight. Have a great time, you deserve it.

Emily: Have a safe trip. And thank you. Have fun.

Joey: Hear from your dad?

Emily: He's in a conference right now, but he promised to be here later.

Joey: Do you think he will?

Emily: Of don't?

Joey: He cares about you too much to skip out; he'll be there.

For some reason, hearing Joey ask about whether or not I thought my dad would show up tonight made my stomach erupt in a flurry of butterflies. I couldn't deny my nerves; I knew he'd show up, but what if he came too late?

I shook my head, forcing the thought out. I couldn't think like that, not right now.

"Emily, come in here," my mother requested, shouting from her office. Perhaps it was because she had a lot going on with the new firm in England, but my mother had been glued to her desk recently.

"Yeah?" I questioned upon entering the room.

"Joey's mother just informed me of the strangest thing," she dawdled.

"And what's that?" I continued, feigning innocence.

She sighed, running her fingers along the smooth wood of her desk. "Did you ask Joey to talk to his mother?"

"No," I answered. Technically, I didn't ask him--he suggested it.

"Well, although I'm sure you're already aware, Lauren has invited you to stay with them while we're in England. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem at all, and she'd be glad to have you," my mother began.

"Are you saying that you're allowing me to stay here?" I asked, struggling to hide my exhilaration.

"No, that's not what I'm saying," my mother exhaled.

"What are you saying, then?" I asked, frowning.

"I'm saying that I'll think about it," she remarked, not meeting my eyes.

RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora