Ch. 5 - Family

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The walk to Rachel's house only took them about ten minutes and luckily the sun had come out so it wasn't too cold any more. 

"So how long do you plan to live here before you move onto something else?" Rachel asked. 

"I don't have any plans to move on. This is it for me," he said shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans as they walked. "Ever since I was a kid, living in Minnesota was my dream because hockey here is different than it is out in California. There it's just another sport taking money and time away from football, but here hockey is life. It's kind of like how basketball is to Indiana and Football is to Texas. In Minnesota you guys grow up on hockey and it's such a big part of your culture and it's celebrated. My players here show up to practice on time and they're dedicated and give it everything they have because hockey players here are appreciated and they're the stars of the school. I don't have to fight tooth and nail to get funding for my team. That's what I wanted to be a part of." 

"Yeah that makes sense," she nodded. "Growing up here, hockey and figure skating have always been a huge part of my life. My little brother's a senior in high school and he's played hockey since he was four. He lives for it and my little sister's a figure skater too." 

"Your brother plays hockey here? What's his name?" 

"Spencer Beckett." 

He gasped. "No way! Seriously? He's one of my players!"  

"Oh shit," she groaned. "Hopefully he won't be weirded out by the fact that I made out with his coach and tried to sleep with him," she laughed, shaking her head and cringing. 

"Yeah, maybe we should keep to ourselves," he laughed, giving her a flirty smile that made her insides melt. 

She smiled back and said, "Yeah. I think that would be a good idea."

When they got to her Mom's house he walked her up to the door and they both stood there awkwardly for a minute, facing each other, not sure what to do. 

She looked up into his handsome face and steel grey eyes and couldn't help but smile. "Thank you for cheering me up last night and taking my mind off of everything for a while. I really needed that." 

"You're welcome," he said, looking into her eyes as he slowly lifted his hand and tucked her hair behind her ear before leaning down and kissing her cheek softly, making her face flush red. He pulled back and looked into her eyes and whispered softly, "I'm really glad I met you Rachel, even if you are leaving." 

He smiled down at her, before turning around and walking away with both hands in his pockets. When he got to the end of the sidewalk he turned and gave her a little wave before he turned right and headed out of sight. 

She walked into her Mom's house with a smile on her face, shutting the door and laying her back against it, letting out an exhale. She felt like she was floating right now. She was hard core swooning over Cain. She heard laughing and noticed her younger brother and sister were sitting in the living room watching old home videos with their Mom from when they were little. 

Her little brother Spencer was eighteen now and a Senior in high school. He was 6'3 with shaggy brown hair that came over his eyebrows and bright blue eyes and he was tall and athletic. They had all gotten their athleticism from their Dad. Spencer was the smartest out of the three kids and getting good grades in school had always come really easy for him. 

Her little sister Laney was sixteen and a sophomore.  She was taller than Rachel and stronger, but not as graceful or naturally gifted at ice skating. She was still pretty decent though. She just had to work harder to pick new tricks up but she had a bad attitude and their Mom's temper, so she tended to get frustrated and give up easily, unlike Rachel who was always determined not to give up until she got it. She didn't just get her temper and bad attitude. Laney was also the only one of the three kids that got their Mom's blonde hair, but they all got her beautiful blue eyes. 

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