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The afternoon sun shone brightly through the carriage windows when Matt awoke, the refraction from the frosted glass shaping intricate patterns of amber light upon the mattress around him. The sound of hoofbeats and rolling wheels filled the air; the caravan was moving at a brisk pace today. He pitied whichever soldier was tasked to guard the rear today, unless of course it was Klaus or Anton.

How long was I asleep? he wondered groggily, rubbing his eyes. He had spent so many restless nights of fear where he could enjoy little more than short, unprotected naps since the last time he had the pleasure of a safe and full night of sleep. Slowly, he pushed himself into a sitting position and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Prince Nathan was sitting on his throne, so engrossed in a pristinely unrolled parchment that he did not seem to notice that Matt had awakened.

Matt sat in silence so as not to disturb Nathan; whatever was on the parchment was obviously causing him great distress. His previously calm face that had been curiously clear of any strong emotions grew tighter as he progressed down the scroll. By the time he had come to the end, his jaw was clenched and his eyes were so narrowed it was a wonder he could still make out the words upon the page. Setting the finished parchment upon his lap with an air of finality and a hint of anger, the prince leaned back wearily on his throne. He ran a hand through his short dark hair and sighed mightily. He rolled up the parchment silently and tucked the now slender scroll carefully into his trouser pocket. It was only then that he noticed Matt. Nathan quickly replaced his worried expression with a smile.

"Good morning Matt. Or should I say good afternoon. How long have you been awake?" he asked. His tone was gracious, as it had been the night before, but he was obviously politely probing as to whether or not Matt had seen the parchment.

"Not too long," Matt said. He hesitated, but he could think of no reason to be untruthful in his answer. It would only bring harm if he lied so openly to Nathan, "What was on that parchment? Is everything okay?" He did not know why he was being so presumptuous with the Prince, it was not his place to ask about the parchment or anything the prince did not mention first for that matter. He silently prayed that he had not been too forward.

Nathan's smile froze on his face as a silent struggle played out on his countenance as he searched for the correct words. After several long moments, he said, "It is nothing important. Just another tiresome report on troop placements, crop yields, and the like. What the songs and stories always fail to mention about princes is the number of dreary missives we are forced to read and acknowledge on a near-daily basis. You can just forget all about it okay?"

Matt nodded uncertainly, it did not sit properly in his gut how clearly Nathan was hiding something from him, but it was no surprise. He was a nobody, it was hard to understand why Nathan was speaking with him at all.

"Now," Nathan said clapping his hands together, "to more exciting business." His posture relaxed as he spoke, but Matt could not determine if the new mood was natural or forced despite his best efforts. "I have decided to instruct you on how to use your powers as a stormcrier, if you will have me as your teacher of course," Nathan said, his bright smile reappearing across his face.

Matt gaped, it was a tremendous honor for the prince to offer to teach him personally. It was more than that, it was unheard of. He could not believe his own ears! He must have misheard.

Nathan mistook his shock for a negative response. "It is okay if you do not wish for me to teach you, there are many in Verden who are more qualified than I," he said appearing somewhat self-conscious.

Matt hurriedly spoke up, "No, Your Highness, I would be greatly honored to be your student. I was just taken by surprise by your generous offer."

Nathan looked pleased. "Then it is decided. I will teach you everything that I know. I will begin with the more rudimentary aspects while we are out here on the road. Once we return home to Stormcliff, I will have the resources to go into much greater detail."

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