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"I've been yours from the moment we met"


I managed to reach home alone as I didn't want to bother Nishant. I was inside my room lying on the bed watching Netflix after applying some ice pack on my foot, it was around 4 that fell asleep.

I was woken up with a knock on the door. I got up taking no notice of my foot and fell down.

"Ahhhh", I yelled in pain.

"Are you alright?", a voice came from outside the door. Without a second thought, I knew that it was Ayushman.

"Yeah, I guess", I said trying to get up but fell again with a scream.

The door swung open and he entered the room. He was still in his formals, sweating all over. he frowned at me.

"Let me help you", he said lending his hand.

"It's okay I can do it myself.", I tried to get up but fell again.

He stared at me with a frown and with a sigh in no moment I was in his arms. He carried me in a bridal style to my bed.

"Thanks", I mumbled.

"How did you hurt your leg?", he said pressing it hard.

"Ahhhh! Are you trying to break my leg?"

"And what's wrong with your face?", He examined it curiously.

"Nothing", I said hiding my face from his eyes.

He grabbed my elbow pulling me towards him.

"Ahhhh", I shouted in pain. 

He turned my elbow and seeing the bruises he gave me a "I need an explanation" look.

"I fell down while walking on the road so I got hurt", I said unwilling to make eye contact with him.

"I see, so the road slapped you due to which your face is swollen like a tomato", he frowned.

"I am giving you 5minutes I need an explanation or else I am calling the dean to explain instead of you", he took out his phone from the pocket.

"Ahh wait I'll explain I'll explain", I almost panicked and then I explained the whole matter to him except the part where Nishant was there. I didn't want him to get into any trouble because of me since he has been a great help today.

"Why didn't you complain to the teachers?"

"It isn't necessary now"

"But do you know if my family members would have been here they would have thought that I caused this, let's go to the hospital."

"No need they are just minor wounds", I said holding my foot with my knee under my chin and still controlling my laughter.

"Are you dumb?"

"What! What do you mean?", I gawked.

"Shut up and don't utter a word"

I tried to speak up but he glared at me which eventually made me nod into an okay.

His hand went towards my twisted ankle and he started running his fingers pressing his fingers at every point of my foot and then he pressed the spot where it hurt and I almost screamed. He pressed it few more times lightly and then he pressed hard and twisted it. I screamed in pain and pushed him.

"Wtf are you doing?", I barked with teary eyes.

"Is it paining?"


"Your leg", I looked down and found that I was standing. I didn't realize it earlier because I was so focused on the pain. I tried to walk and move it but it didn't pain at all.

"Omg! It doesn't pain anymore", I cheered and hugged him, "thank you," I said still hugging him but there wasn't any reply so I just looked up and saw wtf I was doing. I immediately went back and stood afar.

"I...I am sorry", I apologized looking at the floor.

Wtf did you do?? It is so embarrassing now.

"Hmm", he said and left the room. I sighed in relief but on the other hand cursing myself.

"Wait! How did you do it? I mean how did you did treat it?", I asked out of curiosity.

"Magic", he said expressionless and went back to his room.

Wait! What! How could our answers be the same? Just leave it. it must have been a coincidence. Just apply the ointment.

I applied ointment just in case the pain returns back.

Well, he isn't that bad as I thought he is. I am gonna forgive you for the past mistakes you've done Mr. Devil just because of today's help. I giggled.



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