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Its night when everyone sat in the living room, close to their respective boyfriends. Again today, the boys settled on passing the night idly, which is, with movies and snacks.

Even though there was a movies going on infront of them, none of them were paying any attention to it. Different thoughts were clouded in their minds.

Namjoon's pov~

After years of crushing on him, we are finally together. He seriously didn't have a clue, did he? How clueless he was to think that his 'secret admirer', who left him gifts in his desk everymorning would know all his favourite things. Ok, its easy to know about his favourite chocolate, toy, flower and flavour but none can know that he prefers the smell of petrol to perfume unless its someone close to him. Ah~~ Whatever, i am happy that we are together now. 

Oh yeah, need to tell him that i am his 'secret admirer' soon. 

Jin's pov~

*silently sniffing Namjoon's neck*

AHH~~~ He smells good. He was so clueless, wasn't he? If i hadn't mixed that extra strong shots in his drink that night, he wouldn't have kissed nor confessed to me. But God, Thankyou so much for giving me such a sharp brain. Huh, he thinks he is sleek, leaving me gifts on my table early mornings, but no, nothing goes unnoticed by my eyes. Still he haven't told me yet that its him who was my 'secret admirer'. Need to tease him a little when he tells me, though i know i can't be mad at him for longer since i love him so much.

Jimin's pov~

I can't believe that all those years when i thought that i was the only one who was pining over hyung, he was crushing over me too. How oblivious we both were. If only i had confessed sooner, we could've have been celebrating our anniversary sometime this year, but no, i had to be a coward. Although, i am quite glad that neither of us confessed, because if we did, maybe Hobi wouldn't be together with us like this. 

Seriously, I can't believe i got such caring boyfriends, not even one but two. I love them both so much. I just pray that we can be together like this for the whole life.

Yoongi's pov~

I don't care what society says about us, i don't care what anyone will think, the only thing i care about now is this, my two cute boyfriends. I am really lucky to get such boyfriends, aren't I? I get what i want, but this time, God blessed me with something i didn't want at first yet now, i need them.

Hoseok's pov~

I don't remember the last time when i was this happy. I got two lovely boyfriends, fine, one lovely and one a little grumpy but still, i like them. I fell in love with Jimin fast and hard but Yoongi, it will take some time to start loving him, but i will keep on trying because i know, one day, i would be able to love both of them the same. And also, my Taetae is so happy with Jungkook. I hope he keeps that smile on his face forever.

Taehyung's pov~

I never dreamed of having kookie as my boyfriend. How surprised i was when he said that he liked me since our first meet. He made me forget about Jungwoo and my sad past. He is so good, he takes care of me so much. I am so happy with him and i hope that i make him happy too. God, please, let kookie be with me forever.

Jungkook's pov~

Never thought that i could have a chance with Taehyung, but seriously, is it a dream? Because the most beautiful, cute and angelic person is my boyfriend, my first boyfriend, its unbelievable. Thank you so much God for giving this kind hearted person to me, i will do everything in my will to keep that boxy smile on his face. I will never leave him. We will graduate together, get job together and ofcourse get married one day. We will have kids, as many as he wants. Just don't ever separate us, or i won't be able to live. 

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