Lay Me Down Chapter 23

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 I sat next to Carter in our first class of the day. I hated Mondays. It was always the dreaded day of the week. There was just something about having to get out of bed early to go do work when you had slept in for the past two days and done nothing. I sighed and leaned my forehead on the desk. I felt Carter's hand rub circles in my back. He really was the perfect boyfriend and I was so lucky to have him; he was only thing that got me through the days. I swear, without him I would be a wreck: I would still be at home with my mom and Keith spreading my legs for guys I had never seen a day before in my life.

I lifted my head up in bewilderment as I heard the teacher call my name.


"The principal would like to see you in his office," she stated. 

I scrunched up my face, clearly confused. "For what?" 


"Maybe you should ask him that when you get there," she replied. I rolled my eyes in response to the smart ass tone from her.


"What's going on?" Carter whispered to me.


"I don't know," I replied. "I'll be back," I said as I got up and grabbed the pass from the teacher and headed to the office. As I made my way there I tried to think of any explanation for why I was being sent to the principal's office. I wasn't a trouble maker, so I couldn't be in trouble, I had done nothing extreme lately . . . That I knew of. 

I pulled on the glass door and stepped inside the office. I went up to the counter and spoke to the lady sitting there.


"Hi, my name is Lizzie. I was called up here," I said showing her my pass.


"Oh, yes. Ms. Baker, go through those double doors and knock on the first door to your left," she said pointing down the hall. I did as instructed all the while feeling nervous because I had no idea what to expect once I walked inside the door.  I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and then proceeded to knock on the door.


"Come in," the voice that belong to Principal Jones called out. I turned the knob and opened the door. Maybe I was just overreacting and maybe I had nothing to worry about, so mustering up my courage I pushed the door open and walked inside. "Hello Ms. Baker, take a seat." He gestured to the chairs that sat opposite of his desk. I sat down and then fixed my gaze on him.

I patiently waited for him to continue speaking.


"So, Ms. Baker," he flipped through some papers. "You are a remarkable student. You have a 3.9 G.P.A and you take advance placement courses." I nodded my head. "I looked over your scholarship application," he told me. 

Oh. My. Gosh. Was that what this was about! Did I get it? I began to get excited. 

"You haven't really got any volunteer experience but your grades are great and your essays that you wrote for the scholarship were excellent. I have to say that I was really impressed and was even more pleased to find you have no disciplinary actions when I checked through your files." 

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