chapter 13

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Severus stepped out of the floo with Hadrian perched on his left hip.
As soon as he stepped out of the fireplace Harry let out a low gurgle his chest rumbling with displeasure. He began to kick his feet out.  Hadrian was whining and struggling against Severus' hold.
Severus sat down by the fireplace, leaning against the stone wall, and held his flailing limbs down, preventing him from hurting himself.
Severus just stayed there for as long as Hadrian needed, he whispered reassurances and once he stopped struggling just held him close rubbing his back affectionately.
Over the course of the day Severus had realized how much the staff had overlooked Hadrian's actions. How nobody cared to check why he was the way he was. And Severus was ashamed, if it were one of his snakes he would have picked up on the odd behavior, but because it was 'Harry Potter' he had ignored this boys obvious struggles. Hadrian's essays were always illegible but the bits you could make out showed great understanding. It may be rather jumbled but all the right points were there yet his performance in class showed he was a Lower than average student. Hadrian had never engaged in conversation unless he was addressed, many thought him to be shy but even when he was with his friends he was unusually quiet. He didn't talk back, even when Severus issued detentions he himself knew were not warranted. He was always on time, never early never late, and if he were held up he would always appear more agitated. Hadrian was not the 'Harry Potter' everyone thought they knew. Another thing Severus realized whilst comforting him is that he had been witness to one of Hadrian's meltdowns and done nothing, he had sat there and belittled, shouted at and sent away a child he believed to be throwing a strop over an unfair punishment. Alas no poor Hadrian was overwhelmed and Severus had bullied a special needs kid when he needed help the most.
'I'm such a dickhead'
Charles at some point had walked into the floo room but Severus hadn't paid him any mind. Once Severus was sure Hadrian was fine he looked up and met Charles' eyes.
"I apologize for the commotion Charles, this is my son Hadrian, he has special needs and didn't enjoy the floo ride very much. He's having a bad day."
"Don't apologize Severus you are not the first to have brought a special needs child with you and you certainly won't be the last. I would like to ask however when you acquired a son I have known you for a long time boy, and I believe you would have mentioned something about this young fellow before."  Charles asked with barely hidden curiosity.
" you are correct in your assumption that I have adopted him into my small family, although he is my blood. He was stolen from me by James Potter when he was only a new born, I was Obliviated and so didn't remember my marriage or my little boy." Severus smiled down at Hadrian fondly
"He will turn 13 next week. However this is not just simply a social visit he is in need of a new wand, his magic had been blocked and he had a Horcrux removed so his current wand will no longer work."
" 13 Severus, are you sure."  Charles said in bewilderment.
"Quite positive, now if you don't mind Hadrian is having a bad day as it is and I would like to get this over and done with quickly as to not make it worse."
"Of course, of course. Follow me." Charles led them into a large room with jars lining each and every wall and in the center was a marble table. off to the side of the room were a few waiting chairs. Charles walked towards the table and stood at the side farthest from the door. Severus and Hadrian took their place opposite him.
"Now I'm assuming you came to me because you want me to make him one of my SENaD (special educational needs and disabilities) wands. correct?"
" Yes. Please." With that Charles pulled out a sheet of paper and slid it across the table along with a few 'wands' that had no core.
" right I need you to fill out that questionnaire and get him to hold those model wands and practice a few spells movements with each one. You can sit at the chairs in the far corner." And with that Severus hoisted Hadrian up further on his hip and walked over to the chars. Taking out his forever quill from his pocket and getting started on this little questionnaire.
SENaD wands questionnaire ( under 17's)
What is the child's main disability?
Has the child previously owned a wand?
If yes what was the wand made from?
Holly and phoenix feather
Does the child struggle when holding  wand no.1?
Does the child struggle when holding wand no. 2?
Does the child struggle holding wand no.3?
A bit but its a lot easier for him
Does the child struggle holding wand no.4?
Does the child struggle holding wand no.5?
A bit but its easier for him
Which wand is easiest to perform the wingardium leviosa wand movements?
Wand number 3
Does the child suffer from dyspraxia ( struggle with acute motor skills)
Severus carefully filled out the questions making sure to get Harry to do the wand movements with each model wand. He then brought Hadrian back over to the table that was situated in the middle of the room and gave the  filled out questionnaire back to Charles.
" Thank you, now we are going to start with the core." Charles led Severus and Hadrian over to a shelved wall full of jars.
" if you get Hadrian to put his hands on the space in the middle of the shelves chose his eves and try to make the wood warm we should be able to find his wand core." Charlie explained
Severus turned to Hadrian.
" Hey, hey come on, look at me please." Severus asked calmly, gently moving his face till their eyes met.
" can you put your hands on flat on the shelf, and try to make it warm. Come on, you can do it Hadrian. I've got you. That's it." Severus watched in amazement as 3 different jars began to glow a pastel blue.
Charles collected the jars with barely concealed surprise and placed them on the table they were all stood around not moments before. he then lead Severus and Hadrian over to another set of shelves and got Hadrian to repeat the process this time with 2 jars glowing that same pastel blue. Charles then walked over to the table and placed the next 2 jars down besides the first 3.     "you could do great things with a wand like this Hadrian. I've never seen such an odd combination of  woods and cores before." Charles looked at Hadrian in honest disbelief, the cores on their own were powerful,  but together nobody other than  Hadrian should be able to use the wand ever. 
" what will his wand consist of Charles."
" well, the cores are Unicorn Hair, which as you know is near impossible to turn dark and very Faithfull to the wielder Unicorn Hair wands are usually good at Transfiguration and charms. Then there is Vampire Fang this is a neutral core, and is also very loyal to the wielder. Vampire Fang wands are usualy quite strong in charms and potions. And finaly is Warewolf Saliva this is again another loyal core, infact it will stop anybody but the wielder using it whether it is wone of stolen. The Warewolf Saliva wands are usually best in potions. If I remember correctly you have a warewolf saliva wand, don't you severus?"
"Yes, yes I do."
" now, the woods we have here are black walnut, it is a very elegant wood it reacts badly to deceptive owners so this tells us hadrian is a very honest person, and it again exels in charms. The second wood is Hornbeam, I don't make many hornbeam wands but most are a life match, they tend to be matched with someone that is particularly pationate about one or two types of Magic, by looking at the cores I would say hadrians is charms and potions. This particular wood personalises itself to the wielder very quickly this makes it very hard for someone to use it for even simple spels. This wood also absorbs a person's code of honor, it refuses to perform acts that the wielder is uncomfortable with. I usualy find this wood goes to people who are easily manipulated. This wand will help Hadrian a lot throughout his life."
"To be honest I can see where those cores came from." Severus replied
"I'm going to take these out back to make the wands if you want to take a seat over there and I should be ready in  an hour and a half."
Charles wallked into a room out the back whilst Severus carried Hadrian over to the chairs they had previously sat at. Severus sat with Hadrian in his lap and unshrunk a bag from within his pocket and took out Hadrians stich plush. He put the plush in Hadrians lap and watched with fond amusement as Hadrian snatched it up.
"Hey, baby can we have a little chat please." Severus asked gently whilst turning Hadrian around in his lap to  face him. Once severus had Hadrian's full attention he started to explain what happened at gringots.
"So you remember where we were earlier" at Hadrians nod he continued.
"Well I got to see your birth certificate, and it turns out that you and your mum were stolen from your dad when you were only a new born baby. That means James Potter isn't your real dad. Do you understand?"
"Do you want to know what your real name and who your real dad is?"
This is it, there's no going back now
" uuhhuuh"
" okay well your real name is Hadrian Severin Snape and I'm your real dad."
The room decended into silence and severus waited for Hadrian to take all the information in. Without warning Hadrian threw himself at severus' chest his little arms wrapped around his neck, and he spoke for the first time that day, in a small voice.
"My Daddy" and right in that moment any doubt that Hadrian would reject him vanished, and Severus felt the last of that gap in his heart fill with love, love for this sweet, kind, forgiving child.
Hadrian fell asleep 15 minutes later and severus watched his little boy, how  he ever hated such a sweet boy, he will nver know.
About an hour later Charels stepped out of the back room wand box in hand. Severus asked charels if he could take hadrian to the bathroom as hadrian had infact wet his pull up  whilst he was asleep.
Once he was changed severus gently woke Hadrian up, bouncing him slightly on his hip. Opening his eyes Hadrian looked at severus and asked.
"My daddy?" The doubt and fear of rejection could be herd in his voice and severus did his best to quickly rid Hadrian of his worries.
"Yes Hadrian, I'm your daddy. We have to go try your new wand now. Okay?" Hadrian just nodded.
Back in the main room, Charles took out a beautiful wand, it was a deep brown on the handle and that morphed into a beautiful cream at the end. The ombre effect gave the wand an elegance Severus had never seen in a wand before, the handle of the wand was a lot thicker than the standard wands from olivanders and had beautiful carvings of vines over it that travels up about 3/4 of the way up.
"Go on Hadrian, pick up your new wand." Only a little hesitant, Hadrian reached over and took his new wand from Charels.
Once holding it Hadrian squealed and kicked his legs.
"Its Happy!"
"Is it now, that's good isn't it." Turning to Charels  severus asked,
"Do you have any wand holders that wouldn't irritate his skin?"
"As a matter of fact I do, I have these ones that are made of suade lether, they will be invisible to anyone looking but all Hadrian has to do is pop his wand up his sleeve and the magic in this holder will latch on to the wand for lack of better word. The holders are waterproof, so they don't have to be removed and they grow with you, so there should be no need to ever replace it."
"That sounds amazing actually, I will take one of those aswell."
"Great so your total will be 15 Galleons for the wand and 3 Galleons for the holder, so 18 Galleons."
Severus paid the fee and then left for Hogwarts through the floo. It had been a long day and he just wanted to spend some quality time with his son.
Word count~ 2193

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