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Gillian lay in her bed unable to sleep.

She replayed the night’s events over and over in her mind. Her smile still glued to her soft lips.

His words still replaying in her every thought sent a tidal wave of excitement through her.

She now knew without a doubt in her mind that Callan wanted her as much as she hungered for him.

Sleep finally winning she dreamt about Callan’s amazing body... his beautiful deep brown eyes revealed his lust for her. His almost black hair with silver streaks was so soft and Gillian loved the feeling when she ran her fingers through it. His beard was short and well looked after, and while she really didn’t like face fluff, Callan’s beard turned her on it suited him and only added to her attraction towards him. His beard like his hair was streaked with silver hairs and was just as soft against her. His lips fit perfectly against her own and his tongue, Gillian was convinced, was magical.

His body was muscular, she knew he worked out but she had never expected to find a rock hard defined six pack under his shirt.  She gasped as his jeans dropped, he was certainly well blessed and she couldn't wait to feel him... all of him. He lay over her. She smiled anticipating gloriousness like she had never known and just as the main event was scheduled to begin... Callan vanished before her and her eyes flew open. 

“Stupid alarm,” she complained as she reached over to switch it off. Gillian sighed it had been three weeks since that night and so far all she could think of, long for and dream of was Callan McKenzie, she had never been as sexually frustrated in her life as she had been in the last three weeks.

He had called her the following day and apologised, he said he’d be gone for a few weeks for work but promised he’d make it up to her the moment he got back. Gillian wasn’t sure what exactly kept an IT specialist as busy as Callan was, she shook her head.

“Okay Gillian, time to pull your shit together. You really going to sit around waiting for a man?” she looked at her reflection with a raised eyebrow.

“No you are not! He is not going to find you yearning for him! If he wants you he’ll just have to prove it!” she reprimanded herself, taking a deep breath she pulled her hair into a pony tail.

She had left it to grow the last few weeks and was loving her new found length and natural colour. Gillian had decided to leave the colour for a while leaving her hair its natural light brown. She grinned at her reflection as she pulled on her running tights, she was looking fabulously toned and was feeling full of life.

John studied her as she walked into their office a naughty grin on his lips;

“good morning.”

She smiled at him as she bent down to give him a kiss. “Morning.” She felt his eyes following her; “did you make coffee yet John?” he shook his head; “nope, but tell me must you be so cruel to me?” she gave herself a once over and smiled at him, she was wearing a dark blue dress that hugged her body along with her favourite heels.

She gave him a twirl “you like?” before her twirl was over he had his arms around her, his eyes filled with lust. “I love it.” He whispered, again she smiled at him. “You forget that you are in a relationship John, so this can’t happen.”

His eyes remained unchanged. “I didn’t forget, but I can’t help how you turn me on when you look this good. You are even more beautiful when your whole face smiles you know.” Gillian giggled, still in his arms “well I can’t help it, I am really happy John. Met a good looking man on my morning run...” she could sense his jealousy.

“What happened to the IT guy?” Gillian shrugged. “He is missing in action. If you’d release me John, I’ll make coffee and tell you everything.”

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