That damned girl.

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Sunday 5:00pm

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Sunday 5:00pm

"Hey Papi." I said entering my man's office in our penthouse.

"Hey mama." He greeted me looking up from the papers on his desk.

"What you workin' on?" I inquired before getting to the real reason I came in. Keyaun seemed to be in a much better mood after he and Gino talked earlier his office.

"Running the numbers on one of the shops on the north side." He said taking off his glasses to face me. "What's on your mind baby?"

"I was wondering what happened with Key earlier? He seemed to be in a good mood leaving out of here." I acknowledged.

"Actually," He started rubbing his beard. "I paid him, and he wanted to talk about going back to school." He shared.

"School?" I repeated back. "Why would he decide that?" I inquired.

Key had never been interested in school. He only got his GED in that camp so he wouldn't have to finish high school when he got home.

"He's worried about his future." Gino told me, standing up and walking over to the window to. "He's a good kid Diane, he wants to run his own business and be his own boss, the clean way." He tried explaining.

"Maybe you need to give him something better to do. Maybe stop having him be a runner and let him oversee one of the blocks. He knows Ricky's old spots like the back of his hand." I tried to convince him walking over to where he stood.

"That's not how it works baby." He said rubbing his hands on top of his head back to his ponytail. "He doesn't want to be anymore involved in this than he already is." He disclosed.

"He doesn't know what he wants." I declared stepping back and cutting my eyes at him. "You just need to show him, make him understand."

"The boy is in love, Diane. He wants to carry on a life he can be proud of." He laughed a little. "I can't even blame him."

"It's that damned girl." I scoffed.

I'd sacrificed too much to let Key throw everything away now. My sister and all those damned heathens she kept over there. It's been years, this makes. This is nonsense.

"Look at all he's been through. King went away before he could even kn-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK HIS NAME!" I snarled before I could catch myself.

Turning his attention from the window Gino looked down at me with disappointment in his eyes. "Diane, I understand how you feel about Keyaun's father, but you will not disrespect me." He said walking toward the door.

"I'm so sorry Gino." I sighed looking down.

He turned to look back at me. "You have to let Key be a man. He has to make his own choices. No one wants to be a dopeboy 'til they die." He said before walking out the door.

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