Chapter 14

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11:30 PM

Katsuki's POV

I wake up to the sound of keys rattling and a door opening. What fuckin' time is it?

Im reaching for my phone but feel something soft.

I open my eyes and spot the green fluffy hair of Izuku. I guess he's still asleep.

Carefully, I sit up to not wake Izuku. My eyes glance around the room in hopes of finding my phone. Oh wait I left it on the couch.

I stand up from the bed and pull the covers back over the nerd, then I start walking into the living room.

I open the door quietly and shut it once I'm out of the room. Before I can get over to the couch I see someone in the kitchen.

I walk over and spot my Dad. Oh great.

"Oh hey old man, didn't realize you got home."

He looks at me and smiles, I swear he's like the opposite of the old hag.

"Yup, had to work late again today, sorry about that."

I just roll my eyes at him, wait what's he making?

"Oi, Whatcha making?" I ask.

"Oh just some fried rice, there's enough for you if you want some too."

"Tch mhm."

Why did I even come into the kitchen in the first place? Oh yeah my phone.

As I walk into the living room I see my phone on one of the cushions. I pick it up and turn it on, hm a notification?

Shitty hair

🪨: oh bakubro I forgot to ask! Do you wanna come to the mall tomorrow? Everyone wants to meet the guy you were talking about!

I think about it for a moment before texting back. I mean Izuku does need new clothes and I guess he could meet my 'friends'. Ugh I hate calling them that.

💥: Whatever you idiot, what time?

🪨: Yesss! Anyway we were planning to go around 10, is that alright for you?

💥: I don't have a problem with it. See you all there I guess.

I exit out of the messages app and click on the alarm,  I'm gonna have to wake up early so I'll just set an alarm for like 8:30.

I set the alarm and turn my phone off. Stuffing the phone in my pocket I turn to my old man.

"G'night old man. Could you just leave some of the food in the fridge? Me and Izuku will probably have some in the morning."

He looks at me confused for a second, oh shit he doesn't know about Izuku staying here.

"Uh he's a friend that's staying here for a little. The old hag said it was ok so.." I trail off and look away. Ugh why am I so awkward.

"Oh I see, well hopefully I get to meet him in the morning! Night Katsuki."


I walk off into the bedroom quietly and try not to make too much noise. I place my phone on my desk and step over to the bed, carefully laying next to the sleeping nerd.

I lay down on my side and bring the nerd closer to me so his back is against my chest. I place my arms over his waist and snuggle closer.

Most people think I'm just always mean but I do have a soft side, a soft side for cuddling. I never really get to do that so I usually just hug my pillow but now the nerds here so I guess he's my new pillow.

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