Chapter 42~Sadie Roberts

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Shay and Cole got away with it. They got away with murder. I can hardly get away with staying up late never mind committing murder!

I wonder what Jesse would think if he was still here. I was shocked to hear that Shay and Cole broke up. Especially after all they had said about each other. What caused that to happen? As much as I hate to admit it, they seemed like a great couple at school.

At least they both seem to be suffering from the break up though. I feel tears make their way down my face, slowly at first but then their speed increases. I flee the courtroom and blindly walk down the street, completely ignoring my surroundings.

I suddenly hit someone and jump backwards. "I'm sorry-" I cut myself off when I see who it is.

"Are you okay?" Jason.

I rush to brush my tears away. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Jason raises an eyebrow. "No, you're not, what's wrong?"

"It really isn't anything, really..."

Jason pulls me to a small table placed just in front of a coffee shop. "Sit." I obey him for some reason. "Now, tell me what's wrong...please?"

I hesitate. Maybe it would feel good to tell someone. But can I even trust him? He's practically a stranger.

"Might I remind you that I saved your life?" Jason gives me a half smile, his light green eyes filled with amusement.

"Ok well..." I eventually, and quite stupidly, tell him everything. From the anonymous announcement about Jesse cheating, up until the trial. He actually listens, not once interrupting me.

"Do you think Jesse really liked you?" Jason asks once I'm finished. He seems interested in my life. Which is a completely different feeling than I got at the party.

The question, however, throws me off guard. Mostly because I wasn't expecting it but also because I'm not even sure I know the answer.

"I...don't know." I admit.

Jason nods. "Is it possible he could have just been using you to make Shay jealous?"


"Don't get me wrong, I do think he liked you...I just think it seems like he had been using you. I really don't mean to sound offensive, because I can't imagine him not liking you at all but..." Jason pauses. "You get my point?"

I smirk, enjoying the suffering he's putting himself through to explain himself. "I do. Perhaps it was just him trying to make Shay jealous. It makes sense I guess."

Jason nods. "He was a jerk and you can't blame Shay and Cole. It's not their fault that Jesse reacted that way. Just focus on the present and the future."

"Thanks Jason."

"No problem. Now, I need to head to an appointment." Jason grabs a card and pen from the middle of the table and writes something down. The card is white and has blue letters that read: "tell us how we did today". He hands me the card and I see a phone number below the blue printing.

Before I can say anything, Jason speaks up. "Feel free to text or call me."

I smile. "Thank you, I will."


Thank you so much for reading and have a great day/night! 💞

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