12. Dead!

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I stand, walking over to a random shelf and examining the books there, until I find one that peaks my interest. I carefully pull it from the shelf, watching as a small cloud of dust rises from the surrounding books. I open the book, taking a peek at the first page, before gently closing it and repeating the process a few times and settling on one of the old dusty books.

I walk back over to the couch, resting myself next to Gerard and opening the book. As I read, I find myself slowly moving closer to him, eventually resting my head on his shoulder, his arm laying across the couch behind me.

As I finish the third chapter, I turn to face the vampire seated next to me. His arm lazily thrown across my shoulder, holding me close to him and head thrown back over the back of the couch. I let my gaze rest on him for awhile, until his eyes open and he raises up his head, "see somethin' ya like sugar?" He asks, a smirk playing across his lips.

I quickly turn my vision back to the leather bound book in my hands. He chuckles lightly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his lap. I keep silent, trying not to respond to his actions, he's trying to get a rise out of you... just don't respond.

He hums, carefully pulling the book from my hands and setting it on the table next to him. "Hey-" I start to complain, stopping when his hazel eyes meet mine. I look to the floor, trying to contain the intense heat burning my face.

"You're blushing treasure..." he whispers against my neck. I feel my breathing hitch and the heat in my face increases slighty. Goddamn it, you're giving him what he wants Y/N! His lips gently find the spot where he fed the night prior, carefully pressing over the bruise, as if in apology. He slowly trails his lips farther up, pulling quiet sighs from me in response. But god(s), this is nice...

"Sugar, you seem to have forgotten, once more, that I can hear your thoughts..." he whispers against my skin, shit. He chuckles lightly, before gently pressing his lips to the bruise once more. "I really am sorry about everything treasure... I'm trying-" he cuts himself off a moment, carefully lifting me and turning me around so I face him, straddling his lap. "I'm trying to let you know how much you mean to me..." he whispers, brushing a strand of my hair back.

"I'm just not great at this stuff..." he whispers, dropping his hands to my waist. "Ya know, you really could've just asked for my number at the cafe, instead of buying me off my mother..." I trail off, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yeah... it somehow didnt occur to me." He chuckles, locking his eyes with mine.

He sighs quietly, gazing up at me as if I was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. "Why're you lookin' at me like that?" I ask quietly, looking to the floor. He stays silent, turning my face back to his, his hazel eyes soft. He slowly pulls me down to him, connecting our lips. I almost instantly melt into him as his hands remain resting on my cheeks.

It stays soft and sweet, our lips pressed together, with only slow barely noticeable movement from the both of us. He slowly disconnects our lips, resting his forehead against mine, dropping his hands to rest on my waist. "Y/N?" He asks, almost silently, I hum quietly in response.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks, opening his eyes and locking them with mine. I stay silent, holding his gaze. I know he says we're soulmates, but... how am I supposed to believe something like that? "You don't have to respond doll... I understand if you don't feel comfortable with it, I just need you to know."

I smile, burying my face in his neck. "Thank you Gerard..." I say quietly. "Its not a problem treasure," I can almost hear the smile in his voice. I pull myself from my hiding place and gently press my lips to his once again, he smiles gently, eyes fluttering shut as mine do the same. His hands gently rest on my waist, mine pressed against his chest as I lean into him.

This kiss starts off more passionate, but is short lived when a voice echoes from the doorway, "ah gross, right in the middle of the library? What the fuck? I knew I should've sent Frank to get his own damn book, lazy bastard..." Mikeys voice fades out as he rushes back down the hallway, probably to complain to Frank.

Gerard presses his lips back to mine as we both try to contain our giggles enough to resume. He seems to have his under control, but I fall into a giggle fit, pulling my lips from his and resting my forehead against his, trying to gain control of myself.

He looks up at me, smiling "alright, you giggly bitch, its probably almost dinner time and the guys and I planned to call in pizza tonight!" He says, standing and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeak out of surprise, groaning and propping myself up against his back "Gee, if you dont carry me like a normal person I'll die." I state seriously, "don't be dramatic doll." He chuckles.

"Oh no... error... human body, cannot... comprehend... oxygen depleting..." I let out a small choking noise, letting my body go slack as he tightens his grip on my legs to hold me up. He chuckles, stepping into the living room and dropping me on the couch. I flop, letting my body drop, taking up half the couch, "sugar, you wanna make space so I can sit too?" He asks, laughing lightly. "Cant, I'm dead," I giggle, before dropping my head back down.

"Oh damn guys, shes dead!" He says loudly through the room, everyone stays silent with amused looks on their faces. "Maybe I should give her mouth to mouth?" Gerard says thoughtfully. "Jesus christ, no! I dont wanna see anymore of that!" Mikey yells, "nah, I think I have to. She looks pretty not alive." Gerard states, "I'll do it." Frank jokes, making eye contact with me.

Before I know it, Gerard is next to me, holding me close to his chest. "You lay a single finger on her and I will hurt you Iero..." he growls, my eyes widen as Frank chuckles, "wouldnt dream of it Gee, plus why are ya gettin' so possessive all of a sudden? Unless you're scared she'd-"

"Alright!" I stand, cutting him off, "one. Frank, I swear to god, if you kiss me, I will fucking bitch slap you. Two, Gerard-" I pause for a moment, "ya know what, we'll talk later. Three, what the fuck? You guys need to calm the fuck down, like, back the fuck up. I am not that pretty." I laugh, Gerard scoffs, "what? You wanna fight?" I giggle, turning to him.

"Sugar, I could crush you if I wanted to," he says gently, raising an eyebrow. "Unfortunately, I cant bring myself to do so," I huff, crossing my arms and sitting on he opposite end of the couch.


Enjoy the calm while it lasts ;)

Stay rad weirdos! ✌<3

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