12| Engaged

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Chapter 12: Engaged (Ace's POV)

I stared at myself in the mirror reflection, looking at my engagement suit. She wanted the tie on. I want it off. 

We decided to host the engagement at my place and then the reception at hers. So tonight, everybody will be here. The place has been fully decorated with the help of staff and the caterers are currently setting up all the food, invading our kitchen. The party will be hosted in the backyard. There's a small Greek-style gazebo in our backyard. 

My mom used to sit there and read all the time while I ran around as a kid. We had a dog back then. I was usually chasing him. I go and sit at the gazebo sometimes, it makes me feel like I'm with her again. I physically can't be since she's gone but the gazebo comes close. 

The gazebo is where we'll perform the actual engagement ceremony. One photographer has been invited to take pictures and sell them out to the press. Tomorrow, we'll be the next big news. A Phoenix and Allister union. 

I sighed and wrapped the tie, putting it on for her sake. Then I sprayed some cologne and left, heading downstairs to help my dad make sure everything was in place and ready for tonight. "Anything I can do?" I asked. 

"Go make sure the carters are set." I nodded and headed to the kitchen. 

"You don't like her? How can you not like Gianna Phoenix?" One of the waitresses for tonight asked another. 

"I think she's just a snobby bitch, honestly. She acts like she's above everyone." 

I listened to both of their opinions, eager to see who'd win this argument. 

"Are you out of your mind?" The other one scoffed. "She is above everyone. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. And the clothes she makes are absolutely amazing. Phoenix International was nothing before she joined it." Clearly, she's Team Gianna. 

"Whatever. I just think someone like Ace Allister should have a better wife. Someone who isn't such a brat." 

"How dare you call her a brat? Have you seen any of the other girls in their circle? They are the brats. Gianna Phoenix is adored by everybody." 

"Please. That's only because her brother died and she was left as an only child." She's clearly Team... not Gianna. 

"Hey!" The other girl yelled, clearly offended. "How can you be so cold about that?" 

"Everybody thinks she didn't even like her brother. The only reason she was even allowed to run Phoenix International was because her brother died. If he was still alive, she'd be a nobody." 

"She wasn't just his shadow." 

"While he was alive, she was." 

"I think she deserves someone better than Ace Allister." 

"Excuse you?" 

"I'm not saying anything bad about him but everybody is so scared of him. He doesn't seem like he'd be very sweet and caring. But she should have someone like that. After everything she's been through." 

"She plays the victim card for pity." 

"She is the victim. And she never acts like it." 

"My, my, my, what a tough competition," I sighed. 

They both spun around, eyes wide in embarrassment. "Mr. Allister," they squeaked in sync. 

"Don't mind me. Please, continue. I'm only here to make sure everything is ready," I chuckled. I heard the door open and I knew Gianna was there. While the girl who was Team not Gianna started filling champagne glasses, I walked over to the girl who was Team Gianna. "Would you like to meet her?" 

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