Chapter 32

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Xander pov

I have been staying in this town for two weeks. And now I know almost everyone here. Girls do give me glances, try to get my attention but my sole focus is on the girl who doesn't give me any attention. Yes Sophie is ignoring me. We do have lunch and dinner together, wake up every morning in each other arms but hardly talk. Thomas and Carla wanted to come the moment I told them but with great difficulty and lot of emotional blackmail I made them stay back. The town is safer and cleaner than most of the neighbouring villages and everybody here gives all the credit to Sophie. She is loved my all as there own daughter. And I haven't missed the elderly woman giving her glances one would give to there daughter-in-law.

Men here are all in awe of her and for most of the women she is an inspiration. In just one and half year the literacy rate of this town has touched almost hundred percent.

People are jealous of her but when you are so smart and beautiful who is not.

I have seen another side of Sophie too. I never knew she was this good with children. I was never fond of them but now seeing her like this, having a family someday with little me or little Sophie running around doesn't sound like a bad idea. She is going to be a wonderful mother.

She was assigned to visit the neighbouring town for yearly inspection. I was stunned when she asked me if I wanted to visit with her. How can I ever deny the chance to be in her company?

We reached the town and it was nothing like Woodslock. With litter and bottle of alcohol all around, this place didn't seem safe to me. I wrapped my hand around her shoulders which she didn't deny and headed towards the office. It was a surprise inspection but reaching inside we were the one who were surprised.

The officials were harassing a girl who had clearly come here for some work. And the most surprising part was other people including women were sitting there like it was nothing. Like it was a regular occurrence.

My bodyguards were not following me closely today as I wanted some time alone with Sophie without any shadow lingering around. They must be here in around fifteen minutes. But till then we had to do something.

Before I could even contemplate the situation I heard a voice of a tight slap. The official was on the recieving end but who hit him?

When did Sophie even slip from my grip? What the hell is she doing?

Before the men could grab her, I punched him in the gut. Both of us knew kickboxing. Afterall that was where we first met.

All of us were practicing kickboxing for upcoming match. We weren't experts but product of a three month camp. I still had no idea why I joined the camp. Probably to blow some steam and get away from all the stress surrounding me. I had recently lost my grandparents in a fire and this was a much needed distraction.

I once punched a boy so hard that he ended up dislocating his jaw. It was outside the match and it was supposedly a crime to use our skills to settle a grudge. A disciplinary committee was called for me.

When our head came to our class, he asked every student what was there take on the situation. And everyone said that I was wrong and using my skill to settle score was incorrect. My friends and even my girlfriend of that time went against me and were very proudly stating that when it is for right they are even ready to go against their friends. I was broken at that time. Because no one understood what I was going through. When Sophie stood up I had no expectation that she will be speaking in my favour because we were not even friends. But she said something. That no matter what the situation is the person acting as a victim is not that righteous that you project the other person as a villain. We saw the violence but easily overlooked the provocation that caused it. Sophie was the only person who stood by me when the world was against me and said I was not entirely at fault. She defended me in front of the whole class, even argued with everyone for me. She understood me when even my parents were cursing me out."

"That person, he did say something bad. He abused my mother and said nasty things about her. I warned him but when he didn't listen I punched him. When I tried explaining my side of the story nobody listened to me. I was ignored by my friends and my family too. Though not even knowing my version Sophie was there for me. And I learnt a very valuable lesson from her. Whenever everyone is against a person always support him. Because a person can't be so bad that everyone goes against him. Every person has flaws and goodness too.

How could I ever give up on her?

We did take down two officials with Sophie puching him in the gut which made me wonder that I was lucky she loved me or else according to my history with her I would have been long dead. Just in time when he was about to loose consciousness my bodyguards entered and tackled them.

Sophie there was roaring like a tigress giving everyone a piece of mind on how irresponsible they were. And I don't even know how but by the end of the day all the women had already signed for self defence classes. Eve-teasing was a regular occurrence in the town. I contacted the head of the state and using my contacts made sure that the women here were safe and the men handsomely rewarded for their deeds.

Money can't buy you happiness but it does buy you power.

Never go against a person when the world is against them. Because we ourselves are not saints. Also we have no right to judge someone based on their mistakes. Your one word of comfort may mean nothing to you but it can save someone's life.

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