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Analise's POV

After two hours of indecisiveness, pacing around and arguments with Crescent, I was finally ready. The meeting was about to start in around 10 minutes and I had no other choice but to wear what I already had on.

The outfit I chose was definitely out of my comfort zone. I always went for the same casual, soft, pastel or nude- colored and comfortable clothing but this time, I decided to try out something different. Something new.

I was wearing an all-black outfit.

Earlier today, after getting into an argument with Rayna and the others, I left the palace to grab something to eat. It was also the perfect opportunity for me to test out my new car. While I should have been feeling guilty about just using other people's things, I did not. On my way back, I made a stop to get myself a new outfit.

When I had stepped into the shop, on instinct, I went towards the beige, formal dresses. I had already settled on one but while I was paying, something else caught my eye. The clothing on the mannequin just screamed perfect. Even if the beige dress was my style, I could not help but want the other outfit. I was a bit skeptical about the idea of wearing such an outfit for the first time in front of a lot of people- strangers- but in the end, with a little help from Crescent, I ended up buying both of them.

I stood in front of the mirror in my brand new clothes and a totally different style. Instead of my usual soft dresses, I had a black suit on- black pants, a black lace top underneath it and a black blazer.

I smoothed the blazer for the millionth time, turning to the sides and looking at the outfit again. My hands hovered above the middle button of the blazer, itching to just button it up and hide the lace top underneath it.

'Don't you dare!' crescent warned me. 'It looks great. You look great. You look hot. We look hot. End of discussion.'

I let out a sigh, dropping my hands to my sides. It was not a scandalous outfit but the laced top showed bits of skin here and there through its design. I caught sight of the beige dress I had on minutes ago, now all crumbled up on the floor only a few feet away.

I shook my head and started putting my accessories on before all the second-guessing made me change my mind. I paired the outfit with a silver chain ear cuff and a watch. I slipped on my nude stilettos and did a last check on my make-up. I tried to do something different with my makeup but after several tries and failing horribly, I decided on just simple golden eyeshadow, soft winged eyeliner and nude lipstick. My hair was done in a loose half-braid.

"It looks great. I look great. I look hot. We look hot." I repeated Crescent's words as I grabbed my phone and made my way to the door. 

The hallways were heavily guarded, especially after yesterday's attack. The guards bowed to me as I made my way toward the study room. The hallways were clean with no signs of yesterday's massacre.

As I entered the room, everybody went quiet. They were all seated on the couches, all dressed formally. My father and Rayan both wore navy blue suits with pocket handkerchiefs matching their mate's dress. Rayan was the spitting image of my father as they stood next to each other with the same posture, same expression and not a single hair out of place.

As for the ladies, my grandmother wore a long sleeve maroon dress with a boat neckline that ended above her knees, minimal makeup, a neat bun and heels. My mother wore a white, one-shoulder dress ending a bit above her knees with her hair in a twisted low braid and minimal makeup except for her red lips which matched her shoes. As for Rayna, she wore a red asymmetrical neckline dress that flared from her waist before stopping a bit above her knees along with black heels, minimal makeup and a half-crown braid. Lastly, Ivory was dressed in a fitted, blue off-shoulder dress stopping above her knees with white heels, nude make-up and a similar hairstyle to Rayna. 

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