I Found Her

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A short lil chapter :)
I have another book posted
it is a different topic but ya
should check it out still.
Dave's P.O.V


"What's wrong East" Alyssa said

"We are trying to find the other two puzzle piece necklaces" I said

"Daddy we have puzzle piece necklaces from Mommy" Madison said in a happy tone

"Yesh momma said never take it off" Mason said as they took them out of their shirts

"OH my god we are idiots how did we not think of the kids" I said as I took their necklaces and handed them to one of Ferris' men

"Find her"

Present time

It has been about 2 hours since we got the other two necklaces from the twins, I have been just sitting in my office waiting.

I hear footsteps coming to my office, my door opens and I see Ferris, Gunna, and like the other normal 20 men, I guess.

"I found Jay" Ferris

That is all they had to say and that got my attention.

"Where ?" I said

"In California, supposedly he has been watching Jayleena, Mason, and Madison for months before they came here. I don't understand how I didn't know they were on my territory for months" Ferris.

"We are leaving in 12 hours to get Jay back " Rel said

"Call Alyssa for the kids and everybody let's get ready" i said

I'm coming Jay just wait a little longer, I hope you're still fighting.

Jays P.O.V

It's been 5 days since I've been here and I'm dying. Samuel won't feed me unless I am affectionate towards him like kissing and cuddling.

So I haven't even in 5 days.

The last thing I want to do right now is kiss Sam. Hell the first thing I want to do is fucking kill him. The first chance I get I will gladly take that.

My left wrist is tied to the bed frame, I only can leave to use the bathroom and he follows me in there too.

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a door opening. I see Samuel walk in with a dirty smirk on his face.

"Hello my love, are you going to be a good girl today and listen? Or am I going to have to force feed you today" he said

"Mhm let me think... hell no. I will eat only if I don't have to kiss or cuddle you at all" I said smiling

"Yeah no ! I'm going to force feed you and you're going to fucking eat because I said so and I honestly don't give a fuck." He said as he pulled out a bag of food

"I'm not eating . Plus why would I want to be with you ? " I said

"I haven't done nothing wrong to you besides be a good boyfriend to you" he said back as if he was lost.

Is he on drugs? He's made my life hell by being here ? He's fucking stupid

"Let's go down the list shall we ! First you threaten my children. Secondly you held a gun to my children's head. Third, you took me away from my family. Lastly, YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME! So you did a lot. I hate you Samuel Davis and I will for the rest of my life" I said


"Ohh honey you will learn to love me like I love you. And if not I'm taking those kids of yours and you will do as I say" he said as he tried to be scary

"I fucking hate you Samu-" I was cut off



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