Chapter 7

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"How many more floors?" Zayd complained, panting up the stairs.

"14." Clara replied.

The 6 teenagers had been travelling up the floors since early morning. They had originally decided not to take the stairs but as they had cleared up by morning, stairs were the easiest and fastest way to get to Floor 31.

"Zayd, stop complaining." Dream said, annoyed.

"I'm not complaining, I'm just tired."

Everyone knew that Dream wasn't exactly fond of Zayd, she found him useless and annoying. He wasn't a survivor. Although Zayd didn't have the skills to survive a zombie apocalypse, no one wanted him dead.

"Come one, Zayd. We roughly half way there." Clara encouraged.

"How are you guys managing this? Do you practice walking up the stairs of or something?"

"Not really, but we're just built like this." Alex replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's because the rest of us are either Winters or Victors. You've probably heard of those terms and the term Veteran. We're all people that could survive anything, not just an apocalypse. We're smart and fast. Clara's a hacker, Alex is strong and fast. I'm smart, Kai and Dream have everything you could ask for."

"So, you're saying I'm useless." Zayd replied.

"I didn't say that..."

"But none of us are exactly denying it, are we?" Dream interrupted, coldly.

Suddenly, something came falling down the middle of the spiralling stairs. Collapsing onto the floor, a loud bang echoing through the staircase.

"What the hell?!" Zayd shouted.

"That was a zombie." Clara said.

"This isn't good, this isn't good." Alexa repeated.

"Guys, what's going on?" Zayd asked, panicking.

"You know how zombies and monsters aren't supposed to fight each other. Yeah, well they aren't stupid enough to trip over the stairs, let alone fall to the ground without anything shaking the building." Alex explained.

"So, what's happening?"

"They're hungry." Dream answered. "The zombies haven't had food yet. They're starving so they're eating all that's left. Which are zombies and monsters, but everyone's fighting back. They're killing each other because they've killed almost all the humans on Earth."

"Which also means that when anything catches even a glimpse of us. They'll chase us and eat us as if they haven't eaten in weeks. We'll be hunted down by hundreds of zombies and monsters."

"Everyone, stay behind me." Alex ordered.

Everyone except Dream and Kai huddled behind Alex. Zombies and monsters plummet through the stairway like a waterfall. Everything had dramatically escalated in just a few minutes.

"Everyone, run to the next floor and find a room!"

Kai stays behind the pack to make sure everyone is safe while Alex leads them to the next floor. Sprinting up the steps as zombies and monsters pile up at the bottom of the staircase. They needed to get to Floor 18 before they would be eaten alive. Everyone piled in front of the door but no one had the will to open it.

"What are you guys waiting for? Open it!" Zayd shouted.

"There might be zombies on the other side, and then we'll be double screwed."

"Fine the, I'll open it."

Before anyone could stop Zayd. He grabbed the knob and swung the door open. A mountain of zombies and monsters instantly turned their way. Staring for a second before initiating attack.

"YOU IDIOT!" Dream shouted.

The group split both directions, one going up the stairs, the other going down. Dozens of zombies chased them, all nastier than any other zombie imagined. Their skin was rotten and melting into nothing. They swung their limbs uncontrollably, aiming for just a scratch of flesh from the teenagers.

While the first group, Clara and the twins for able to successfully fight off the zombies. Dream, Kai and Zayd were faced with the more dangerous group. Kai and Dream had tried fighting them all off but nothing was working. More and more zombies headed their way. Zayd doing nothing about it besides panicking. He didn't have the slightest idea about how to fight.

"KAI! Watch out!" Dream shouted as she saw a monster fall from one of the air vents straight onto Kai.

The monster knocked Kai off the edge of the stairs. Everyone watched horrified as they saw Kai fall. Fortunately, Kai was able to grab hold of the edge of the stair but screamed in pain and agony as he did it. With his other hand he was able to climb over the handles, collapsing onto the stairs. Panting and dizzy. His eyes were fluttering shut.


The first group managed to fight their way down the steps to help Zayd. Dream jumped off the edge of the stairs, curving her jump and landing on the exact same floor as Kai. She fell to her knees and crawled over to Kai, worried that he was bitten.

"Someone, help him!" she shouted.

Dream placed her hand over Kai's heart and was relieved to feel a heartbeat. Kai had fainted and wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. Dream cared about Kai more than any of the others, and now that he was hurt. She knew who to blame.

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