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I grip the remote in my hand -- I want to break it

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I grip the remote in my hand -- I want to break it. The news on TV is exposing Luna as a drug addict. The pictures that Rory has sent to some websites -- mainly run by the paparazzi -- travel fast, especially on the news channel competing with her father's.

I don't even want to see what happens in social media, because that's where the fuel is added. Once people start to post and comment, word of mouth will do the work, and then it goes viral.

"Luna Klein, daughter of Lucas and Cassandra Klein, was found at a drug party in Paris, consuming cocaine, crack cocaine, amphetamines, and ecstasy," the newscaster says. "The source believed that those were just a few of the drugs commonly used in the party, which was apparently exclusive for high-class socialites. It is suspected that many drug dealers were present, and that Luna Klein is a regular, or in another word, an addict. This issue has once again raised people's concern regarding the rise of drug misuse impacting teens... "

When the pictures show up, I feel like destroying everything. Seeing Luna in such a vulnerable condition kills me.

I was in one of the pictures too, but people don't recognize me. Even if they did, they wouldn't care about some random guy -- the world's focus is on Luna Klein.

People always try to find something to talk about the famous Kleins.

However, Mom would notice me wearing that hoodie she bought for me in Australia, and there's no way that Dad wouldn't recognize me -- he just fucking knows everything, fucking alert of everything.

Sienna, who's sitting on the couch, watches the TV with a face as pale as a white paper. I can even see the tears brimming her eyes -- she's damn scared, confused, and shocked.

I turn to look at my parents, who are staring at me like I just shot them in the head. Mom covers her mouth with her shaking hands.

"Is it true?" is the first question that leaves Dad's mouth. His voice is menacing but stable. He's not judging me. "Is what we're seeing true, Max?"

Their expression tells me that they would die if it were true. Clearly, they have never thought that their son would be doing drugs or being close to a druggie.

"No, it's not," I say firmly. "It's not true. It's all a trap. She was tricked and trapped by some cunning folks." My voice is shaking -- I can't control my anger.

Those pictures have unleashed the rage inside me.

"Trapped?" Mom's voice is barely a whisper.

"Yes, they led them to the wrong party and put shit into her drink." My jaw tightens as I remember what they've done to her, and I feel stupid because I couldn't prevent that. "Then they drugged her. If I hadn't come to rescue her, she would have--" My words are cut short as I let out a soft cry, raking my fingers through my hair and cursing at myself.

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