this family is mental

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Cami got Klaus-dad in a mood

"Your pretty friend seems to have fouled your mood" Lucien, who has became a friend of mine as we talked about our kills, says

he just chugs his wine

"Why don't we go out?" Lucien asks "paint the town red. I'm sure Sam won't mind as he likes blood"

Klaus turns towards me

oh shit he looks slightly mad

"Lucien, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make friends with my son. He has enough bad influences in his life"

Lucien smiles at me "I can't help it he's likeable"

"Lucien-- what are you really doing in my city"

silence meaning this is gonna be good

"News has spread, old friend. Every vampire in the world knows you've been attacked. A number of times, nearly killed"

shouldn't have said that Lucien

"Oh, well, I can assure you that all those who stood against me ended up either desiccated, dust, or dinner"

Lucien laughs

"Yes, but...what if it had gone the other way, hmm? When Finn was killed, we all learned the truth-- the life of every vampire is linked back to the originals who begat the line. Kol's death confirmed it. Two entire lines of vampires wiped out! As you can imagine, the threat level does not sit well with those of us who remain"

as they talk back and for I listen

then Klaus get in his face

"My family is hardly weak! In fact, we are unkillable-- the last of the white oak is gone"

apparently Lucien doesn't believe that "Are you certain it's all gone? Every last splinter of it? Vanished for good?"

Klaus grabs Lucien and squeezes his neck

"Lucien, if you had even the slightest inkling any fragment of white oak still existed, of course you would tell me"

"Easy Nik. I think you need to see something"

he takes us to a very fancy pent house

he opens the door

"Please excuse the mess! I've been entertaining"

walking into the party there are vampires feeding and lots of loud music

some vampire girls come over

"AH" they all crowd around "He's so cute"

Klaus sighs "Samael"

"I'll be fine here" I say "Won't leave"

they walk into a door

these really pretty girls take me to a seat

"How old are you" one gushes at me

"Eight" I smile showing my dimples off

the girls coo at me

the one on my left "Are you in school"

"Uh no"

"Why not"

I shrug "My dads the original hybrid"

they all freeze

oh shit

"So you're a little wolf" the girl opposite of me asks

"yup and a witch" I smile "When I die I'll be a vampire as well"

"I AM KLAUS MIKAELSON!" I hear dad yell

Jesus Christ

"What do you like to do"

"Um...I like to read" I give "And music is nice then there is my pension for killing people"

all the vampire girls smile

"A boy after my own heart" one says

that's when dad-Klaus comes out of the room grabs my hand and drags me out

"He put you in a bad mood" I note "Who are we killing? I suggest the critic"

he stops us in the middle of the road and turns to me

"You really are a little me aren't you" then he sighs "I did the thing I set out wanting to not do"


"I thought that if I avoided you and said you weren't my son when it was painfully obvious you were. You wouldn't be like me but that's exactly what I did"

what; start making sense

"What are you saying, Klaus"

"I'm saying I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you all those years ago" he yells at me "I know you're my son and have for years. I'm a horrible father; maybe I should just leave"

I punch him "You won't do that to Hope? You won't put her through the same thing you did me. I won't let you do that. You are a stupid piece of shit dad to me and probably always will be. It doesn't have to be that way for Hope"

he stares at me eyes wide

I stare at him eyes wide

he sighs "There's no hope for our relationship is there? I've already screwed up"

"I don't know, Klaus" I mutter "but looking at you makes me want to fucking punch you because I'm so damn man. Which means there's going to be a lot of work but it's not all lost"

turning around I start walking towards the compound


Freya just came home with a guy....oh, this is going to be so fun

"Nightcap" she says

with a giggle I run down the stairs "MOMMY"

Freya's face turns pissed

the guy opens his mouth and then closes "Mommy?"

"Ya, mommy" I smile at him "Are you my daddy"

Klaus appears next to us

"Freya! It's about time you brought a gentleman home to meet the family! After Samael's father I didn't think you would recover with him stalking you" he turns to the guy "I'm Freya's brother. And you are? No, don't tell me. Let me guess-- Brad? Chad? Brody? Let's go with Brody. What are your intentions for my sister? Do you intend to be my nephews father? Shall we discuss a dowry?" then he flashes his hybrid eyes

"Bro, what the...?"

great he scared the dude

"Leave. Now"

the guy leaves

I hit him with my hand lightly "Come on now, Klaus. Did you have to do that I had a whole routine planned in my head"

Freya does not look amused at either of us

"He was drunk" Klaus defends "No one will believe his story"

Freya smiles "Not a year ago, you utterly despised me and you thought I was creepy. And now your playing protective brother and nephew"

I sigh and leave the room to go to bed


I was dead asleep when I heard that Hayley's back and pissed

well, I think from the yelling at least

walking out of my room Hayley is covered and blood and holding Hope

"EW" I yell "I get you missed her but you're covering her with blood. Now, I gotta give her a bath" I take Hope from her letting my eyes stay at her "Welcome back, Hayley"

I'm your kid too, father Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora