Part 2

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Is it really Shuichi? I get the feeling he's involved at least. Before I point fingers, I should at least prove something.

"Shuichi, I'm sorry but there's something I've been wanting to clear up."

"What is it?"

"Since you were the only one who Kokichi would have let inside the garage, all suspicion falls on you. So I want to clear some things first."

"Oh, well we should discuss it then right?" A bead of sweat ran down his face.

"Yeah, we should."

"But where?" Himiko spoke up.

Keebo quickly answered. "If I may suggest. We should discuss the crime scene. I know we did that in the last trial, but it doesn't hurt to look into it again."

"Alright, that seems like a good start," I gave an approving nod. From the corner of my eye, I saw Shuichi squeeze his podium.

I have to prove that Shuichi was at the garage, I don't have evidence but maybe a lie will suffice.

Nonstop Debate Start!

Himiko: Kokichi was shot with several quivers from Maki's crossbow.

Keebo: According to the Monokuma file at the time, he sustained multiple injuries. But the file didn't specify the time or cause of death.

Kirumi: Although it was vague, we managed to conclude that he most likely bled to death.

Shuichi: There was also a trail of blood from where he was shot to outside the Exisal hanger. So that made it likely.

Keebo: In addition, the hangar entrance was closed, therefore any attempts to dispose of the body there were stopped.


I'll turn this lie into the truth!

"Hold on Kirumi. I know we said that he bled to death, but I don't think that was the case. Turns out there was a bottle near his body."

Kirumi covered her mouth before responding. "A bottle? Do you mean to say that Kokichi may have died by other means?"

"Why didn't you say anything?" Keebo asked.

"Well, I didn't know what it was since the label was scratched out. But I didn't mention it since the trial concluded before - "

"No! That's wrong!" Shuichi shouted.


"Kaede, do you really expect us to believe that? Why would you leave such an important detail out?"

"Because the trial ended before I could mention it. All of the evidence pointed towards Maki, and Monokuma said she was guilty!"

Shuichi shook his head. "I'm sorry but that doesn't seem likely. I'll expose your lie right here and now!"

Rebuttal Showdown Start!

"You keep saying that he was poisoned, but that just isn't possible."

"The truth is, Kokichi bled to death after sustaining too many injuries."

"But let's play devil's advocate and pretend that this bottle of yours exists."

"Where would she have gotten it?"


"Your lab obviously! It's filled with poisons and anyone can access it!"

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