Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Once we got to the mall, we went right to 'The Children's Place', which was easy to find. I quickly grabbed a small dress, stockings and flats for Kennedy and paid for it. I gave it to April. She smiled, grateful and I quickly ushered them to the changing stall. 

The last thing we needed was someone thinking that we're kidnappers or some shit like that. 

  Once April and Kennedy stepped out of the changing stall, that's when we started shopping. With Thaddeus' credit card. We bought five dresses, four pairs of shoes, two leggings, five t-shirts, and many other pieces of clothing. 

I looked around the mall, finding an ice cream place that looked amazing, but Kenny was already running over there. 

"You guys are too cute," I commented as Kennedy started eating her ice cream. 

"April...." I said, looking at one of the stores. April nodded enthusiastically; she picked up Kennedy as we entered it. 


When we got back, we were greeted by a very angry Hunter. His arms were crossed. I gave him a guilty smile, tossed him the keys and helped April and Kennedy bring the bags in. Once I got them settled, I went to my room. I looked at the small bag that I had left on the counter, Victoria's Secret® written across it. I sighed, I would have to admit my wolf was missing Thaddeus like crazy, and I knew I'd be crazy to say I didn't miss him. I missed pissing him off, I missed his cocky smirk, I missed his sexy chuckle, and even though I couldn't believe it, I missed waking up in his arms. 

I missed him. 

I felt as if I was crazy, hell he's supposed to come home tomorrow. I couldn't wait for that, but how did I miss him already? It was only two days, shouldn't I be happy? I'm Thaddeus free for forty-eight hours.

That night I could barely sleep. I looked at the phone on my nightstand and stretched my hand across the large bed. I found Thaddeus' contact in it, which he conveniently put in. 

I called him and waited patiently for him to pick up on the other end. 

"Hello?" he answered groggily. 

"Hi," I almost whispered. There was some shuffling until, Thaddeus spoke.


"Hi," I repeated. "I can't sleep," I murmured, playing with my hands. 

I could even see the cocky smirk on his face before he replied.

"Miss me already?"

"Thaddeus, I'll whip that cocky smirk right off your face," I spoke rolling my eyes at him knowing he couldn't see it. He chuckled on the other line. 

"Darling, you wouldn't dare." I giggled but stopped short when I noticed my window was open, the wind was blowing the curtain. I looked around, my wolf on high alert.

I hated that window, why was it open, why, why, why? 

"Scarlett?" Thaddeus said on the other line, getting worried. 

"Yes?" I replied, getting up walking towards the bathroom. 

"Are you oka-"

That's when I screamed. On the bathroom mirror written in blood was, 

"You may run, but we will always get you."

But the scariest part was the man that was standing on the opposite side of the bathroom.

"Scarlett? Scarlett? ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT!" Thaddeus screamed through the phone. 

"Well, hello there." I instantly recognized the familiar voice and set my phone on the counter of the bathroom, nonchalantly; keeping Thaddeus on the other line.

"Victor," I spat out. 

He chuckled.

"Glad you remembered my name, Darling." I shivered in disgust.

"Only Thaddeus can call me that," I spat back, surprising myself. 

He pinned me up against the wall trying to kiss me as I screamed and kicked around. He slapped me several times. 

"Stop moving," he yelled. 

"HUNTER!" I screamed. He covered my mouth and tried to take me out of the house. I held on to a sink faucet refusing to let go, trying to kick him with my bare feet. He growled as I let go and fell to the floor, turning around and punching him in the face. He held his face in his hand as I used this opportunity to kick him where the sun don't shine. He fell to the ground in pain. Hunter finally arrived and growled at Victor's curled up figure. He picked him up and beat him up some more. After Hunter gave him a brutal punch to the nose and the eye, he looked at me and I nodded, before he dragged Victor's unconscious body to the dungeon. 

Before I could explain to Thaddeus what had happened, I could hear his voice yelling at me. April had run in and brought me back to the bed to put ice on my head. Overcome by sleep, I let my eyes shut.

I woke up in the middle of the night with lights blaring through the closed window. I looked around and saw I was no longer on the bathroom floor. Rain pelted along the rooftop. I lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. All of a sudden, a bright yellow light started shining, something rolled along the gravel, and that's when I smelled him.


I stood up and ran to the front door yanking it open. Once I made eye contact with Thaddeus, I ran over to him, ignoring the painful pebbles under my feet. He grabbed my hand and twirled me into him. He wasted no time in locking his lips with mine. I quickly responded, not ever wanting to stop the kiss. Once we parted for air, he looked at me; my hair had become damp from the rain. He wasted no time in taking the stray piece and placing it behind my ear.

"Darling, I thought something happened to you," he said as he cupped my face. I allowed myself to enjoy the tingles that flowed through my cheeks as I closed my eyes.

HELL YES, SOMETHING HAPPENED TO ME, I wanted to scream, but restricted myself.

"If something ever happened to you I would never forgive myself," he mumbled. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Thaddeus," I spoke softly placing my hands on his that were around my cheeks.

"Look at me, I'm fine," I whispered stroking his cheek softly. "I'm okay," I said trying to hide the crack in my voice.

"I know," he whispered back.

"Wrong answer," I whispered under my breath.

"I'm going to kill Victor," he growled. I nodded, for the first time wanting someone to have such a fatal fate, surprising myself.

"Good, he's in the pack prison."

He growled.

"Scarlett, I just want to spend time with you." he spoke. He held my hand and brought me inside the house. Bringing me back up to his room, I laid in the bed as Thaddeus changed and I saw him in his boxers, only his boxers.

I gulped as my cheeks reddened. Thaddeus smirked and made his way towards me. I smiled and covered my face with the blankets. He chuckled and slipped in with me.

"Good night, Darling."


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