17-Sweet Diana

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[Sorry for any grammar mistakes]



Diana stared at Eric intensely worried as to what Liam meant by "Ready to begin?".

Louis felt empty and his cold eyes filled with no emotion, stared at Eric as well.

"Well Eric go on. Bring Louis and Diana freedom," Liam smirked evilly holding onto Diana's waist tightly.

Eric slowly took off his white button up shirt and let it fall to the ground. He gave Diana a glance then brought the dagger up to where his heart was located.

Louis stood there held by the guard feeling as if he was re-living his old life. Where he had to watched the closest thing to family die.

Diana eyes widen and she attempted to get up from Liam's lap and run to her mate but he brought her back on to him. Tears started to form into her eyes when she realized what Eric was going to do.

Karina shut her eyes painfully not wanting to witness his death.

Eric brought the dagger up in the air and stabbed it directly into his heart.

"NO!" Diana screamed hysterically.

Eric continued to stab himself with the knife. He fell onto his knees with his face showing clear pain but he wouldn't express any emotion.

"NO ERIC STOP," Diana continued to scream while tears continuously poured down her face. She got up from Liams lap and started to run towards Eric but two guards caught her on time before she could make it to him. She watched as Eric slowly reached into his chest and took out his own heart.

The guards held her by both arms as she thrashes around trying to get out of their hold.

Karina stood by the wall with her eyes still closed shaking her head trying to ignore Diana's screams.

Louis let his head fall and his hair hid him from anyone seeing the tears that slowly came from his eyes.

"KARINA HELP DO SOMETHING!" Diana plead but Karina only slid her back down on the wall bring her legs to her chest.

Eric took the lighter and turned it on he slowly lowered it towards his heart. He looked over at his mate who looked as if she would drop dead any moment.

He parted his lips and whispered "I love you my sweet Diana." And with that his heart lit on fire.

He fell to floor with no life left in his body. The guards let go of Diana and she dropped to the floor as well. She got up quickly and ran over to him.

"No no no no no," she whispered in denial that she's her mate dead.

"Please no. Eric please. Come back. I love you," Diana rambled out her voice cracking. She brought him into her arms not caring wether she would be covered in blood. Diana hugged his lifeless body continuing to deny that he was dead.

"Please, please, please, please," she wished hoping he would just open his eyes and show any sign that he was alive. But as she continued to plead for him to wake up the room fell silent with only her silent cries.


I was not dead...

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So there is a cliff hanger SUE ME! Also quick favor to ask. If you can or want please vote me on The Ace of Book Awards. I'm in the the Genre Vampires and leave a black '🖤' heart to cast your vote. You can find it on my awards reading list. Thank you and love you all!!!

 Thank you and love you all!!!

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