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A thick air of silence surrounded the room as you both sat in it without having the need to speak a word, the occasional sniffs coming from you was the only sound that invaded the silent atmosphere. Out of curiosity you looked up at Jungkook trying to read his expression but he sat there looking down on his lap, face hidden behind his long,dark, night black hair strands.

"Why didn't you talk to anyone of us before obligating to her, before taking such a big step? We could've helped you in some fucking way."

He exclaimed frowning in confusion and when he looked up to look at you, you could still see the accusation in them making you shudder from inside.

"Do you think I didn't try? She kept an eye on me all the damn time and even I told you about all these what could you possibly do? There was no way for us to erase those evidences from her, she wouldn't have think twice before destroying all of your careers and most importantly have Taehyung behind the bars for the sin he hasn't even committed."

Your explanation made him relax his shoulders a little bit but still the hardness on his face didn't disappear. You could see it in his eyes, he had no trust in the words you just spoke and it made you feel insecure, you probably shouldn't have opened your mouth.

"I need some time, Y/n. I don't know why or maybe I do, I just can't trust you. What if this is one of your ways to trick me into something, what if it is one of your ways to use me again. I can't trust you when I know you are lying."




Jungkook's soft call made you come out of your trance, he was looking at you intently waiting for you to speak but you kept numb before shaking your head at him.

"Jungkook please let me rest for some time, I don't feel well."

Hearing your words he wanted to protest but he soon he huffed in annoyance before getting out off the room closing the door behind him with a loud thud. As soon the door closed you took a breath of relief, thanking the lord that you hadn't opened your mouth and told him the truth.

It was for the best to stay silent and endure it all because at the end of the day you knew no one would believe you even if you spoke the truth now. You would already see the outcome of telling everything to him right before your eyes so chose to stay quiet as always.

A week passed by and you were already back at work, the days went as usual with Jungkook's hateful glares set on you all the time, if anything his coldness only increased in the last few days. Awfully enough you were okay with this.

You walked through the snowy white path mind wandering into places, eyes trained in the front as you walked through the busy streets, totally alone in yourself. The drizzle of show falling on you softly. The huge clock on a shop window showed the time which read '8:40 pm' as a sigh left your mouth looking at the decorations on the streets and shops.

It was the evening before the Christmas eve and the people around you were glowing in happiness while all you could do was complain to yourself about how lonely and depressed you were. You still remember the time when you used look at sad people and thought how people should always smile and forget about their problems but now you understood, situations does force people to feel unhappy and leave no way to escape from it, the clouds of depression.

By the time you had reached home it was already 9, keeping the grocery bags on the kichen table you made your way inside the room standing straight ahead of you. Twisting on the doorknob you pushed it open before stepping inside and locking the door behind. The bathroom door opening and closing made you hold your breath as you looked around to see you had accidentally went inside Jungkook's room.


A series of curses left your mouth at your own stupid mistake, before you could think of anything, Jungkook was already standing before you with a towel dangerously low wrapped around thin his waist, you almost cursed out loud.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

His intense glare made gulp down your saliva as you tried to look down but you regretted it soon after they fell on his glistening abs flashing with tiny drops of water, you felt your breath hitching. An amused chuckle falling off Jungkook's lips made you look into his eyes again as they kept glaring at you.

"Seriously, you have no shame, do you? Don't stand there looking at me like the pervert you are and fucking get out my room!"

He spoke throwing his hands in the air showing his clear annoyance, too much into the moment to realise he had let go off the towel as it soon fell on the ground with a small thud. A loud gasp left your mouth witnessing the scene before you, Jungkook's jewels were all on display for you. The man turned red in anger and embarrassment as he quickly took the tower trying to hide his crotch area.


The next morning you woke up early to pack your clothes for the two days trip to Busan. Jungkook's parents had invited both you and Jungkook to attend their Christmas party and of course he had to take you there even if he didn't want to.

Once done with the packing you went to the kitchen to see Jungkook already making his own breakfast. A scoff fell off his mouth sensing your presence but you ignored him before sitting yourself on the kitchen table waiting for him to finish first.

"I will be leaving for Busan in a separate car, I will leave right after I am done with practice. Don't wait for me, if you want to go there, go on your own. Do you understand?"

He looked over his shoulder as he spoke staring at you with narrowed eyes and you hummed in response without complaining. Jungkook stared at you for a second going to back his handwork.

Let's see what busan unfolds.

Let's see what busan unfolds

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Until next time.

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